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Eltigro last won the day on February 5 2018

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About Eltigro

  • Birthday 10/03/1974

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  1. Just one modern game for me this week... XBox One Forza Horizon 5 - 280 min (Just doing the weekly challenges for the cars and stuff. Nothing special. Don't even remember what the cars were now. lol)
  2. I really need to keep up with this... lol One "classic" game this week. GameBoy Castlevania 2: Belmont's Revenge - 350 min (There's a streamer that has a "Monthly Retro Challenge"... I've done it previous months, but forgot to post times. Previous months included Aladdin for the Game Gear and Hyperstone Heist for Genesis. This month it was CV 2 Belmont's Revenge. It's been a while since a game got me this worked up. There were a couple times that I had to pause the stream, put up the "Be Right Back" screen, and walk it off... By the end of the stream, I was just done. Didn't care anymore. Didn't want to play anymore. Just gave up on it. Wasn't a rage quit, because I played through the rage. It was an apathy quit. It just got to where it wasn't worth it, so I quit. If you've played it before, I was on the last section before Drac. Never got to the end boss of that level or Dracula. But oh well. I didn't break anything, so it was a win in a way.)
  3. Just one game again... SNES TMNT Turtles in Time - 300 min (A discord server I'm part of has a monthly challenge where they will donate $10 for every streamer that beats a retro game picked for that month. This month was Turtles in Time. I tried on the default difficulty setting, but failed. So then I fiddled with the settings and beat it on easy. But hey, a win is a win.)
  4. Just one classic game. I really do mean to post here more often. lol TurboGrafx 16 World Court Tennis - 240 min (Did a short stream of this. It's got a "Quest" mode that is an RPG. A tennis RPG. Random battles are tennis games. It's kinda tough because all the random matches, you are on the bottom court. But there are some fights where you switch back and forth like in a real tennis game, and being on the top court really messed with me.)
  5. Sorry. Haven't been around here much lately. (Even after saying I would get back to recording times...) And haven't really been on Forza a lot lately either. I hopped on a bit the other day to do some of the weekly challenges, but not enough to get a car even. lol Gamertag is ControlIssue619. ControlIssues on Twitch if you ever want to see what I'm doing over there. Mainly only stream on Wednesdays between around 9am and 4pm Central. Next week, I'm considering playing World Court Tennis for the TG-16, but we'll see.
  6. No retro games for me this week... FF7 took a week off... I did find a new game that is taking up a lot of time, though... XBox One Forza Horizon 5 - 180 min (Approximate time... I didn't write it down. So I was working on the weekly stuff and the game crashed. So I quit. lol When I first downloaded FH5, I was playing on my PC and it would crash on startup unless I ran it as administrator. And then it was fine. Now, since I've started playing on the XB1, I get random crashes. I mean, I get crashes in a racing game, but not this kind.) Dragon Quest Builders 2 - 780 min (Okay, I didn't think I'd like this nearly as much as I have. It's very much Minecraft + Dragon Quest. Minecraft is a huge time sink if you get into it, and DQ is as well. I'm not terribly into Minecraft, but I did put quite a bit of time into it a few years ago. If anyone has played this before, I just got back to the Island of Awakening and I'm working on building a river or whatever.)
  7. I saw that and was actually thinking about going to it. They mentioned you could buy passes at the door, but never said how much they were. And there was some free shuttle thing to the National Videogame Museum. I'm not super into Pinball, but I bet I still would've had fun.
  8. One game again... XBox One Forza Horizon 5 - 300 min (Mainly just worked on the weekly things. Messed with some rivals, but didn't bother with it too much. Went to my sister's house yesterday and was talking to my brother-in-law. He has a PS5 and was talking about Gran Turismo. So I was talking about Forza. He had never heard of it. So he was there on his phone looking at what it was. I was saying "Forza Horizon 5" and I think he was thinking of Horizon Zero Dawn or something and was asking if it was a fantasy or sci fi game or something. lol)
  9. Just one game again... Playstation Final Fantasy 7 - 870 min (Streamed again, and moved the story forward... did the submarine and crashed Gelnika thing... did the Temple of the Ancients thing... fought Diamond Weapon and saw Rufus eat it... leveled some more. Attempted the Emerald Weapon with no idea what to do or what was going on... died in three turns. I think that was actually my first game over. Next thing is to go back to Midgar to get Hojo.)
  10. Only one game again on the modern tracker for me... XBox One Forza Horizon 5 - 360 min (Just doing the weekly stuff and hooning around.)
  11. I actually told myself I was going to play more than one classic game this week. And then didn't. Playstation Final Fantasy 7 - 780 min (Still haven't progressed the story any. Still in the "about to go to Junon for huge materia" part... but went through and grinded some more levels and materia, bred a gold chocobo and did a good bit of racing and battle square stuff... got Cloud's final limit break... got more summon and cool materia... first time ever getting the Knights of the Round summon... and generally had a good time. Wanting to level up materia some more and maybe find a few more final limit breaks before moving on.)
  12. Finally remembered to write down times. Gotta get back in the habit. Only one modern game again this week. XBox One Forza Horizon 5 - 780 min (Played this Sun, Mon, and Tues. The rest of the week was all FF7. See the Classic Game Tracker for that info. This was split between working on Rivals and collecting more Accolades. There's a third person from Twitch in on the races now, too. It's fun to see them streaming and trying to beat your times. The Accolades are like in-game achievements... stuff like Own These Five Cars or Drive from Point A to Point B in 1 min 30 sec... You can unlock some cars from them, but mainly it's just in game points for... um... I dunno actually...)
  13. Got in some game playing this week. And actually remembered to write down times this week! I need to get into the habit again. Just one "retro" game, but I put a lot of time into it: Playstation Final Fantasy 7 - 1280 min (I streamed this for about 7 hours on Wednesday, then kept playing while doing other stuff afterwards. And then the rest of the week I played more each day. I'm up to collecting the Huge Materia. Haven't gone to Junon for the materia there, or got the sub yet, so that's where I am in the story if you're familiar. So besides those 7 hrs streaming and story, the rest has all been grinding... leveling materia and characters, and unlocking limit breaks.)
  14. Not sure about buying them, but one of the places my friend and I used to go to look at games to rent was a Hallmark Gifts store. I guess a lot of people were getting into the video and video game rental business back then (this was the mid to late 80s... NES era...), so they had one wall of the shop with shelves of VHS and NES games to rent. It was a very small East Texas town and there were only a couple places that rented games that I remember...
  15. I also did not get a Jag back in the day. I got mine around 2004 or so. When it was still relatively cheap even with several games. I don't remember seeing it in any of the major retailers. It may have been in some electronics stores in the mall, but I just don't remember seeing it. And it may have been there, but it just didn't make any kind of impression on me, so I don't remember it. There was a local mom and pop type shop called The Atari Shop in town, and I remember going there a couple times to rummage around for cheap 2600 games and just look at stuff. The guy who ran it was an Atari fan through and through... I mean, he was to Atari what Johnny Turbo was to the TurboGrafx. I remember being in there one time, and he was playing Barnyard Blaster on a Atari XEGS talking about how everyone thought NES was the only system with a light gun, but Atari had a light gun... no one thought Nintendo was the only one with a light gun... false premise, dude... anyway, I do remember seeing a Jaguar running AvP in there for customers to try out. Not in like a fancy kiosk or anything, but jsut sitting on a table surrounded by other stuff. Like he had just taken one out of the box and set it up. But yeah, that's the only "demo" Jaguar I remember seeing. I have played a Jaguar Kiosk unit, though. They have one at the National Video Game Museum in Frisco, Texas. It's running Tempest 2000. I don't know if it's supposed to be on something or is missing a base, but the controllers were really low... I had to play it squatting. Maybe they have it like that for kids to try? Dunno.
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