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About 4Ks

  • Birthday 03/10/1997

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    Like a relapsing addict, I keep coming back
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    In the middle
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  1. I have some opinions Rainbow Walker Blue Print Jr Pac-Man Mario Bros David's Midnight Magic Chuckie Egg Gyruss River Raid
  2. Wow it's been a while, nice to see this club is still going I voted for Beef Drop, I'm not very good at Burgertime and I'd like to get some more practice on it
  3. If I had a Pacman Xmas album I would absolutely play it at every holiday gathering until my folks begged me to stop.
  4. It's been a while, just happened to log in and see the notification for the new season and figured why not. Managed to get 47,100 on my first try, which is actually not bad considering I haven't played this game in years lol.
  5. It's so frustrating when cool, interesting games like this get stuck in limbo because of plain old unfortunate circumstances. This happens more than most of you probably think too, there are dozens of games from the dawn of 3D-capable consoles onward (some of them finished and ready to go) that may never be released thanks to copyrights and/or lack of a functional framework to run it outside of the devkit environment. And those are just the ones we know about from dev interviews and press releases, there are probably many more that were never mentioned publicly and are just sitting on hard drives, awaiting the day when mechanical failure erases them completely. I think the reason Atari games (and other pre-NES formats) are so well preserved and widely available is because of much looser/nonexistent copy protection at the time as well as many of the copyright holders having since closed down and allowing their copyrights to lapse. Pink Panther, of course, being an exception thanks to the licensed property. Games from the current era are going to be much, much harder to deal with thanks to all of the persistent online elements, DRM methods, closely-held copyrights, and incredibly complex hardware configurations that will require huge amounts of processing power to recreate in software. Emulating the SNES accurately is notoriously difficult, image how punishingly hard 1:1 emulation of the PS3 is going to be. I'll bet in 20 years, the idea of the biggest obstacle to making a prototype available to the public being a few collectors shuffling their feet will seem downright quaint. Imagine if somebody got ahold of the OG Xbox version of Perfect Dark Zero, or one of Ubisoft's scrapped Wii U projects. Getting them running will be one thing, getting them into the hands of the public will be a whole other kettle of fish.
  6. The only console I will not part ways with is the PS1. My formative years were spent screwing around in low-poly 3D games like Crash Bandicoot and Test Drive, trying to figure out how to make my uncoordinated child fingers move the thumbsticks without careening off the edge of the screen. Nothing can replace those memories. Plus, a surprising amount of those games still hold up. They have more depth than a typical 16-bit game, but without sacrificing the pick up and play factor.
  7. Interesting. The situation with Atari in Brazil sounds a lot like Nintendo's troubles with the NES in the UK - the marketing was weak and they didn't do much to make it a compelling alternative to home computers like the ZX Spectrum, despite it being clearly more powerful hardware. In terms of how I would rank the pre crash systems: 2600 > Intellivision > Colecovision > Odyssey 2 > 5200 > Arcadia 2001 > Channel F > Astrocade. So the O2 lands on the low end of "worth it" for me; it's a good console and has some great games, but its hardware was too limited to be truly competitive.
  8. The original Odyssey was modestly successful - there wasn't anything else like it at the time. The Odyssey 2, while also mildly successful, had the misfortune of arriving after the Atari 2600 and featuring visibly inferior graphics and sound. Its primary advantage was a lower price point, but Atari soon caught up on that front as well. And it certainly didn't help that its killer app, KC Munchkin, had to be pulled from shelves thanks to a lawsuit from Atari due to it being an obvious ripoff of Pacman. If Magnavox had launched it a year or two earlier, it may have been a hit, but it was outdated the day it premiered and once the Intellivision came along, the O2 got knocked out of the ring completely. I've heard it was more of a success in South America, much like the Sega Master System. Was that because of the aforementioned lower price, or were there games released exclusively in SA territories that made it more desirable?
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony is sending out dev kits early to avoid the drought in original games the PS4 suffered from early on. The first year of PS4 was almost nothing but ports and remasters, the insane level of hype was what carried it along until the compelling new games started arriving in late 2014. If PS5 doesn't launch with some killer apps, they run the risk of losing market share to Nintendo, who I suspect will have a souped-up new version of the Switch out by then.
  10. This quote stuck out to me: If this is true, that means that Atari's half-assed excuse for a game caused at least one very high quality E.T. game to be cancelled.
  11. I used to have a few of these back in the day. I believe it was Fairly Odd Parents vol1, Nicktoons vol1, Sonic X, and one of the Cartoon Networks. They're hilariously primitive now, but at the time it was the cheapest and easiest way for a kid to watch cartoons on the go. Smartphones and video streaming didn't exist and laptops were adult luxuries. Every once in a while I consider buying a copy of Shrek just for curiosity's sake - TV cartoons already looked pixelated and choppy, I can't imagine how bad a theatrical film would look in that format. Also, I remember Sega announced a second volume of Sonic X but then never released it. Allegedly it was finished and ready to go (there's even box art for it floating around on the web), but the release was cancelled because the market for GBA video had already been stolen by Sony's UMD format by that point.
  12. Yeesh, that's pricey, especially given this is the author's first book. I might check it out once it's released but right now it's a tough sell for me, especially given this is the author's first book.
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