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dr. kwack

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About dr. kwack

  • Birthday 01/31/1974

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    Classic Gaming, Movies

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  1. Hi Everyone, A while back I did this hack of Ghostbusters II to make it visually closer to the home computer versions. I was wondering if anyone out there could hack this further to make it compatible with a Genesis style controller. Currently you have to use the Select switch to change weapons in the Van Horne sequence. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! 2032580956_GhostbustersIIrevised.bin
  2. Don't forget about James Bond as seen in Octopussy! Those three games are the only ones left from the 1983 catalog that haven't been found in one for or another.
  3. Here is the start of a quick little hack of Flag Capture. The idea here is that you are 007 (in green at the moment) trapped in Francisco Scaramanga's (red at the moment) funhouse. You must navigate through and find the Solex Agitator (instead of a flag) or uncover the Golden Gun (the equivalent of a bomb) and start over. Along the way Nick Nack may give clues inh the form of numbers or directions. OK, fine. So my question here is - I know I can change the single color of Bond & Scaramanga, but is it possible to make them two colors? Bond would be a flesh head with a black suit, Scaramanga flesh head and white. Also- could the guns be black for Bond and Yellow for Scaramanga? This goes beyond my knowledge as usual... gg1.bin
  4. I remember going Christmas shopping with my folks to Belden Village Mall in Christmas of 84. I was 10 years old and a die hard Intellivision kid. I went into KayBee toys and saw bins filled with games at strangely low prices. Some of them I had never even seen before. I had a paper route by this time and had some Christmas tip money on me. I got three games (Beauty & The Beast, Snafu and Night Stalker) for 10 bucks. I was amazed and wanted to go back after Christmas. Funny thing was, with my new income I was able to afford a new gizmo a couple of my classmates had called a Commodore 64. I quickly shifted from video games to computer games and never really looked back until years later when I started collecting Atari 2600 in high school.
  5. Interesting and strange. Obviously, I know very little about actual programming- I just hack here and there. However, from Tempest's description at Atariprotos, it sound like the gameplay may be similar to Swordquest games. Any similarities in the coding there? Just a thought.
  6. Shocked and saddened by this news. Nukey has been here as long as I can remember and the stuff he could do with Atari games was mind blowing. Always looked forward to his posts. So sorry to hear this.
  7. Just revisited this after seeing the Extended Version of Dune this weekend. How difficult would it be to "complete" this game? I know some folks here commented on changing placeholders and whatnot but could this be done? I'd be willing to contribute some time to help out...
  8. So, I'm tinkering with Superman. I'm going to put Lex Luthor in his classic 70's green/purple outfit, but I have a question: Instead of his helicopter pack, I want a simpler jet pack. Since his shirt shares the same area/lines as his pack, is it possible to color the pack grey? Or will it have to be the same color as his shirt?
  9. Howdy. I have an old XP machine that is currently running all my emulator stuff. I'd really like to play around with some Atari Jaguar games but I'm not sure what my best option is. Suggestions? And please don't say "get a different OS"?
  10. Our "Big Mall" (which is now nearly dead) opened in 1988 when I was finishing 8th grade. They had a Sega Time Out arcade there. Having grown up in the 80s and loving Aladdin's Castle I remember this one being fun but having the air of change about it. I played some fun games there but could tell stuff was changing and I remember thinking it just wasn't the same as playing Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and the other classics. They had/I played (over the years): STUN Runner The Simpsons X-Men Vindicators Star Wars Trilogy arcade Galaxy Force (The big sit down one- that was cool!) Lethal Inforcers Dark Adventure 1943 Time Traveler Hologram Golden Axe Dragon Spirit Countless fighting games I never got into Xybots Gauntlet II T2 Judgement Day Alien3 The Gun NBA Jam Arch Rivals Robocop The Main Event Smash TV Aliens Aliens vs Predator APB Sunset Riders
  11. Think of this situation in a different way. Asking for this rom (which you did do in the topic line) would be equivalent to sitting outside of GameStop and asking a complete stranger who just bought a game if you could borrow it and copy it before he took it home. Kinda rude. I learned here many years ago that this very thing (asking for a rom to be released) is considered rude in this community. It took me awhile to understand that but I get it now. Inquiring if the rom will be released is a bit more polite if done in the right way (not blasted with "please please please" or grovelling emojis). Sometimes you just have to wait and that wait pays off. We finally got to see some great stuff around here like the Pink Panther, Charlie Brown, and Lord of the Rings. Other times there is just frustration. I would love to play the Gremlins arcade game but it's not being released. So be it. Maybe some day. Now... Not to throw gas on the fire, but could you please read what you write? An elipsis is usually three dots not two. "You're" means you are. Capital letters start sentences and proper nouns (like names and such). "most dumbest"? And... I wish people would get this. "literally" (not "litteraly") is very overused. You should only use it when something figurative actually happens. For example: "I literally bent over backwards to get this rom." would mean you actually had to perform said task to get the rom you wanted. Try using "actually" or "truthfully" instead. Sorry to say but people do judge based on how you write. Your words here define your level of maturity and intelligence whether you like it or not. Just some advice from a long time member and veteran teacher.
  12. It would be nice to see some of those titles. I'm especially interested in Tower of Mystery and Treasure of Tarmin. And wasn't Rocky & Bullwinkle a BSR title? That one's out there isn't it?
  13. Zoyous- I have all 4 volumes of Arcade Ambiance and HIGHLY recommend them to anyone jonesing for that "back in the day" feel. Crazy Climber! What a great game. It was at my local skating rink for a few years and then popped up at a department store my family often visited called Harts. I was shocked to learn in college that it had been ported to the 2600.
  14. I have been: Doing lots of housework- laundry, dishes, washing walls and getting ready to paint a few rooms (got the paint about a week before all the hubub started). Trying not to bug Mrs. Kwack as she works from home. Taking care of Ma & Pa Kwack. Entertaining the Kwack kitties (3 of 'em! Frankie, Stella and Lucy). Watching WWII movies (A Bridge Too Far, Midway (1976), and Bridge on the River Kwai so far). Making a few custom action figures (Clu from Tron is the current project). Adding new games to/organizing on my Intellivision Ultimate Flashback. Love this thing! So many emulators and games! Playing (or at least trying to play) games I never had time to.
  15. I made a ton of overlays for my Ultimate ColecoVision/Intellivision Flashback. I did the reverse print on transparency sheets as well. Then I placed them on the sticky side of a white shipping label and cut them out. They have held up pretty well!
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