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  1. I have a frogger upright arcade game that was not getting any power at all. At first I suspected the power inverter but after closer examination I found a faulty tokin noise filter. I jumped around the noise filter and everything is working fine, my question is how vital is the noise filter? Should I replace it or just perminatly jump around it? Advise would be appreciated. Richard
  2. I just have the console only. Message me if interested.
  3. I'm looking for an old style keyboard. Not a USB or small pin style but the older big pin style. I hope that makes sense. I have to have the large pin style to boot up and start a particular arcade game and the one I had for it cannot be found. I don't even know the correct term for this style of keyboard hookup. It would look just like the small purple circular pin style but only larger. If anyone has one or has more info than I'm providing your help would be much appreciated. Richard
  4. I've had this for at least 10 years, I can't remember what I paid for it. I'm not 100% I bought this off another AA member. Back when I was collecting I bought my items either from here or ebay so I know it's from one of those two sources. Richard
  5. I won't be listing anymore protos on ebay for sure. I have 3 more protos and a review copy game that i'll be listing here on atariage. I do want to thank Cpuwiz and Tempest for taking the time to look over what I have and giving me their more expert opinions. A big thank you to Albert for providing the venue to sell these games. Richard
  6. I've had this for at least 10 years. I aquired this either from a member here or from eBay but I can't remember. The proto works perfectly and is the final release version. If interested message me and make an offer.
  7. Hello boomtownpizza, After reviewing your eBay account, we've taken the following action: - Listings have been removed. A list of items that were removed can be viewed at the bottom of this message. - We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s). Due to copyright concerns, listings for unauthorized copies of items such as movies, music, software, photographs and books aren't allowed on eBay. You may sell products on recordable media (such as VHS tapes, audio tapes, CD-Rs, and DVD-Rs) if you are the copyright owner or are authorized by the owner to sell the product. This information must be clearly documented in your listing. For more information, go to: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/copyrights.html If you have more questions, contact our policy experts: http://ocsnext.ebay.com/ocs/cusr?query=3049&=PTB1210 Please be sure your current and future listings follow these guidelines, keeping in mind that additional violations could result in the suspension of your account. Here are the listings that were removed: 252168356678 - Atari 2600 Coke Wins / Pepsi Invaders Prototype extremely rare. 252169824677 - Atari 2600 River Patrol -- Prototype ULTRA RARE! We appreciate your cooperation. Thanks, eBay Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email. MESSAGE I RECEIVED FROM EBAY.
  8. And why are their other protos listed on ebay right now?? Really it's OK cause ebay just screwed themselves out of 200 bucks in final value fees.
  9. Both protos have sold, thanks guys. Richard
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