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yuppicide last won the day on October 23 2010

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About yuppicide

  • Birthday 01/13/1973

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    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Atari. Duh.

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  1. Mine says delivered. Any problems let Ax know and he'll contact me and I'll contact who I ordered from. Hope you liked it as your answer to the secret santa questions shows you didn't have this. BTW, not a big deal, but I've not seen any packages come yet.
  2. Hey, just thought I'd give a little update on refunds. I didn't get a chance to do the last batch I said. My Girlfriend's warehouse where she works was closed for a week and she was forced to use vacation. Well, I didn't know she only had 4 days worth of vacation not 5 left over, so I had less money than expected for the week. Will post another update shortly. I'm looking to do some the 24th, but I do expect a lot of refunds Dec 1nd or 2rd as I receive 3 checks from work next month.
  3. Gonna take care of some more today in a little bit. Will update that thread here when I do.
  4. Can we have a few more questions than last year? I think I liked answering/reading the questions and answers.
  5. No problem. As I said I'm not a crackhead or something.. only thing I've ever touched was weed a few times when I was younger. Heck, I don't even smoke cigarettes. Last thing I ever wanted to do was be uncomfortable at a community I've been a part of for so long.
  6. Hi, guys. I wrote up a little Excel sheet outlining my bills for the month. I think on 11/4 I'll be able to process refunds to about 6 - 9 people.
  7. Alright.. processed two returns tonight. On 11/4 I'd say 6 to 8 people will see a refund. On that date I'll post when the next ones will be. You can view this post: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/168337-skull-island-wood-case/page__view__findpost__p__2186000 I'm updating the status of what I refunded there.
  8. Hi. I loaded some money on my credit card to process some returns. I meant to do it earlier when I got off work, but I got into a fight tonight and my arm, face, nose, side of my face, oh and ear are bloody. I'll take care of a few returns when I arrive at work in the morning and a I'll be able to do more than I am doing now on 11/4. I was thinking the holidays are coming up and I thought I'd start processing returns on the boxes first since they were the cheaper of the two items. Some of you had paid for cart, some for boxes, some for both. So, this way by starting with the boxes a few people not just one or two people at a time will see money coming back to them.. 4 or 6 or 8 people at a time will.
  9. Hi. I know I'm not in the best standing here due to Skull Island wait and Ature, but I'd like to be in on this if you'll have me. I was in on it last year with no problems.. sent my package out pretty timely and the recepient enjoyed it.
  10. Gonna start processing things this Wednesday. We're having our party at work and leaving early. I'm going to go cash my bonus check and then I'll come here and update.
  11. Cross post from my Skull Island thread: Sorry I didn't get back with any updates sooner. The part you want to hear: I will start refunds before the month's end. I get paid then and I think a bonus at work, so I'll get everyone taken care of. I've had the pleasure of meeting some people on here and I'm not a crackhead, so don't worry about your money. I'll make it right. As I still have money invested on this, I would like to keep everyone's name on the list. I will only ask for money in the future when I have ALL the final product in my hands and ready to go. The part you might not want to hear: I spoke with Gez and kind of vented to him a little. I felt really bad for being so long without an update. He said I'm not totally hated and it made me feel a little better. I'm thankful for that. I'm not going to read all the replies here because I have a feeling it's going to make me more depressed than I already am. My job has been shit for a long time. I kind of say stuff on here sometimes, but it's pretty bad sometimes. You ever see the movie Horrible Bosses? It's hilarious. I'm in a similar situation minus the wanting to kill part. I just need to get out of there. As for my life at home? It's alright. Not the best, certaintly not the worst. I'm in alright health, although I gained about 8 or 10 pounds since I was last here. I'm getting fat and lazy. The simplest of tasks make me sweat.. like moving a few boxes of work. It's October and I've got the air conditioner on low in my apartment. Is that normal? I will wake up at 2AM sometimes to get a drink and take a scoop of peanut butter, or a little taste of some cheese. I don't think I'm really hungry. Just my body has gotten used to it I guess. All this stuff has made me depressed. I don't have my Atari as you know I sent it to the guy. I do check woot on a daily basis for t-shirts, my Facebook, and once in awhile Gamesniped, but that's about it.. I'm just not into things as much as I used to be. It's not that I don't want to be.. trust me I do. My surroundings make me not want to be. Expect to start getting refunds around the 22nd of the month. Expect me to start frequenting the forums again when I dig myself out of this hole a little. I'm going to cross post this in the Ature thread, because I did Ature carts, but didn't get to doing them. I just received all the carts and are processing them as well, so everyone there will be taken care of very shortly as well. PS - I've had another Atari related idea up my sleeves as well for awhile now and if anyone has any experience in adding a plastic battery compartment to a plastic case let me know. I'd be interested to share my idea with you and hear your thoughts 'cause I'd want it to look nice. Maybe it's something I can bring to TooManyGames next year.
  12. Sorry I didn't get back with any updates sooner. The part you want to hear: I will start refunds before the month's end. I get paid then and I think a bonus at work, so I'll get everyone taken care of. I've had the pleasure of meeting some people on here and I'm not a crackhead, so don't worry about your money. I'll make it right. As I still have money invested on this, I would like to keep everyone's name on the list. I will only ask for money in the future when I have ALL the final product in my hands and ready to go. The part you might not want to hear: I spoke with Gez and kind of vented to him a little. I felt really bad for being so long without an update. He said I'm not totally hated and it made me feel a little better. I'm thankful for that. I'm not going to read all the replies here because I have a feeling it's going to make me more depressed than I already am. My job has been shit for a long time. I kind of say stuff on here sometimes, but it's pretty bad sometimes. You ever see the movie Horrible Bosses? It's hilarious. I'm in a similar situation minus the wanting to kill part. I just need to get out of there. As for my life at home? It's alright. Not the best, certaintly not the worst. I'm in alright health, although I gained about 8 or 10 pounds since I was last here. I'm getting fat and lazy. The simplest of tasks make me sweat.. like moving a few boxes of work. It's October and I've got the air conditioner on low in my apartment. Is that normal? I will wake up at 2AM sometimes to get a drink and take a scoop of peanut butter, or a little taste of some cheese. I don't think I'm really hungry. Just my body has gotten used to it I guess. All this stuff has made me depressed. I don't have my Atari as you know I sent it to the guy. I do check woot on a daily basis for t-shirts, my Facebook, and once in awhile Gamesniped, but that's about it.. I'm just not into things as much as I used to be. It's not that I don't want to be.. trust me I do. My surroundings make me not want to be. Expect to start getting refunds around the 22nd of the month. Expect me to start frequenting the forums again when I dig myself out of this hole a little. I'm going to cross post this in the Ature thread, because I did Ature carts, but didn't get to doing them. I just received all the carts and are processing them as well, so everyone there will be taken care of very shortly as well. PS - I've had another Atari related idea up my sleeves as well for awhile now and if anyone has any experience in adding a plastic battery compartment to a plastic case let me know. I'd be interested to share my idea with you and hear your thoughts 'cause I'd want it to look nice. Maybe it's something I can bring to TooManyGames next year.
  13. Was in Niagara Falls over the weekend. Received the boxes. The manuals are at the printer being printed, cut and stapled today. I believe I have enough labels, but might have to print more. Next up carts.
  14. Think you may have nailed it on the head with Oh What A Mountain. Looks different than what I remember, but what do I know I was like 7 years old. Actually, zooming in on the pics of the board looks more like now. Are you talking about "Rock Jocks" or "Oh What a Mountain"? Both were fun.
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