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About sydric

  • Birthday 07/17/1971

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    Brantford, Ontario
  • Interests
    The Personal Computer Museum, vintage computers, video games

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  1. The reason the museum is holding onto the second donated cartridge (rather than selling it) was because that was the condition of us receiving it - that we not sell it. At least we know where it is - but I agree with Dragonstomper, there are likely other copies out there and *maybe* even one with a box but we're not sure....there is always hoping! As for the whole discovery thing - I think we did what was the best situation for all involved. First, we provided the public as much information as we could about it. Then, after obtaining the proper permissions from the copyright holders we were allowed to do reproductions as a fundraiser. The 100 limited reproduction copies that are numbered are it (as far as numbered copies go) but you can purchase a legally licensed reproduction (not numbered) from GoodDealGames.com. Finally, we released the ROM for free to allow those that were interested in at least trying it to have a chance to do so. Given the circumstances around this find, I think we did the best thing for this holy grail. In doing so we actually improved Stella (the 2600 emulator) because it had some deficiencies that wouldn't allow the game to run properly. These have now been corrected. Of course, it is likely one of the rarest Atari 2600 games EVER EVER released, but still fails to gain the attention of other cartridges like AIR RAID....but maybe it's because it's SO RARE that it makes the news less often.
  2. We get lots of cool things donated at the Personal Computer Museum (http://pcmuseum.ca) - including video games and other things related to technology. Recently, someone dropped off a lot of computer equipment and a bunch of parts (CPUs, RAM, etc). In the one box there was a case with trays and my friend (and fellow Atari Age member, awhite2600) noticed they were Atari 2600 EPROMs....and a lot of them. This is what was in there. Just posting this for interest sake. I have never seen so many in a single haul lol.
  3. Hey Harvey, if you scroll down PAST the player to where it says "Subscribe to the Podcast" you can then right click where it says "Download this episode (right click and save)"
  4. Hey folks! Just started a new podcast called "Lost Treasures Of Gaming" and had a chance to interview David B. Fox (Employee #3 at LucasFilm games) about Rescue On Fractalus! - and there was quite a bit of interesting stuff in the interview about the original Atari system and some technical stuff that you might find interesting. You can listen to it here: http://omgnexus.com/2015/08/lost-treasures-episode-4/ Would love to hear you feedback!
  5. Selling a large collection of (mostly) Atari 8-bit stuff, many rare items coming up so please check out our page on eBay http://www.ebay.com/sch/syd-da-ney/m.html Proceeds to benefit the Personal Computer Museum (http://www.pcmuseum.ca) --thanks for looking. PLEASE KEEP CHECKING BACK as I am adding stuff every single day.
  6. Hey everybody - it's Syd Bolton here - the collector and in question and owner of the Personal Computer Museum and the cartridges we are talking about. I remember the skepticism when we first found this game - heck, *I* couldn't believe it. It's kind of cool now that the story has evolved and all that has happened. This game, in addition to being extremely rare, will be featured and now noted particularly when it comes to Canadian video game history since it was the only Canadian developed Atari 2600 game from "back in the day". The game will be featured in the upcoming documentary series "Outerlands" by Area 5 (who did the "Last of Us" documentary for Sony) with a great discussion between myself, the original programmer and the original sales guy. Anyways, in terms of getting the cart authenticated, the Personal Computer Museum would be the most logical place to do so since we have the others to compare it against. And we would be happy to do so. As far as the valuation of the cartridge, we did receive an offer for what we had at the time which is where the value was derived from.
  7. During the open house at the Personal Computer Museum http://www.pcmuseum.ca Saturday March 15, 2014 we will be demonstrating a couple of the recent FLAPPY BIRD conversions on REAL hardware. For example, the Commodore 64 version will be playable as well as at least one of the Atari 2600 versions. We will also be showing the Tetris documentary "Ecstasy of Order" at 2:00 PM EST for those interested in seeing it (on our 122" theater screen with great sound). If you haven't been to the museum please come and check it out - admission is free/donation and you can also get a tour of the largest collection of video games in Canada (over 15,000)
  8. We've got a few great Atari related items available right now. First (and perhaps most interesting) is the Atari manual for the popular M.U.L.E. game...comes with the manual and the Atari specific command card, all in excellent shape. It's up on eBay right now: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F141081263671%3FssPageName%3DSTRK%3AMESELX%3AIT%26_trksid%3Dp3984.m1555.l2649 We've also got an extra copy of the book "BASIC Fun with Graphics - The Atari Way" which is a little rough on the cover but it's all intact. $5 + shipping Also we have the color label version of Miner 2049'er for sale - tested, works - $10 + shipping
  9. Hey folks! For over 10 years I've been hosting videogame nights called "Game Night" ... our latest promises to be the biggest and best yet! With over 35 stations for you to game on you will be experiencing everything from pure retro to modern gaming. We have lots of fun and lots of food! If you are anywhere near Toronto or Brantford (Kitchener, Hamilton, etc.) in Ontario, Canada and love video games you MUST come out. Information and photos from previous events at the main website: http://www.gamenight.ca IT IS GOING TO BE SATURDAY OCTOBER 19th from 7:30 PM ->? Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. You can RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/584491884941515/ Or just show up last minute if you can't commit. It also gives you a chance to see Canada's largest collection of videogames (around 15,000) - my collection was also recently featured on the show "Extreme Collectors" which is on SLICE in Canada and from what I understand coming soon to HGTV in the US. Here's the clip on YouTube if you are curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-tdnHlpCco&feature=c4-overview&list=UUJtHOdWB1fmoQu9PrUUiP-A Hopefully see you there!
  10. The original is very fragile and located at the Smithsonian. Ralph decided to build a few replicas - some functional, some just for "show" to be used at museums and shown in places around the world as part of video game history. He built this one to be playable and we are excited to have it at the museum for people to enjoy for this special one day event!
  11. The Personal Computer Museum is proud to announce the arrival of the first video game console EVER coming to Brantford, Ontario, Canada on Saturday, September 21st, 2013. This is a functional, working replica that Ralph built with his own hands and we are allowing the PUBLIC to play it. This is the first time the BROWN BOX is playable in Canada. More information on the event and for tickets, head to http://www.pcmuseum.ca/brownbox.asp We hope that many video game fans in the area will come out and give it a try and get their picture taken!
  12. One of the things we have been collecting a lot more of recently at the Personal Computer Museum is ads. I found this one interesting, as it shows Atari trying to promote the "business" side of things by talking about SynCalc, SynFile+, and SynTrend: http://pcmuseum.ca/details.asp?id=41607&type=Brochure I also like this one for the Epyx 500XJ joystick: http://pcmuseum.ca/details.asp?id=39748&type=Brochure And I loved the early LucasFilm games like The Eidolon http://pcmuseum.ca/details.asp?id=37724&type=Brochure It's also fun to look at company catalogs like Epyx: http://pcmuseum.ca/details.asp?id=253&type=Brochure What were YOUR favorite ads?
  13. Hey everybody! We got a donation last night at the Personal Computer Museum of a cartridge for the Atari 8-bit that I have never seen before. It looks like it is called The Mighty Unit 4.1 - and the instructions indicate there was a 3.3 and a 2.1 version prior. I put the release year at 1987 since the front mentions the XE systems. It is a cartridge intended to make backups of other cartridges. Our entry for it is here: http://www.pcmuseum....5&type=Software You can see the scans of what came with it including the manual. The cartridge looks like this and is very unusual - at first it felt like it was made of GRANITE but really someone has just poured a plastic resin around the unit to provide and housing and (presumably) hide what is inside. I couldn't find anything about it with a quick search so I wondered if anyone out there has seen this before? Thoughts? Comments?
  14. At the Personal Computer Museum we have recently acquired a second copy of the reasonably rare Inhome Software "Baseball". Here are pictures I took yesterday showing the cart working on one of our Atari 800's ... you can also see the condition of the label (definitely not perfect) - but hey it's rare and it works! I would PREFER to trade it with another community member who will appreciate it and can help build our collection. You can see which Atari 8-bit items we currently have at our website (the link for Atari 8-bit is http://www.pcmuseum....oup=Atari 8-bit) - although of course I would even consider trading for other Atari items as well (or anything retro computing really). We are located in Canada so keep that in mind for shipping purposes. Of course, I would sell it as well but like I said a trade I think would work better. Let me know! thanks
  15. Hey Jon - we (at the Personal Computer Museum) would be very interested in this .... we would preserve it and make it available and have you noted as the contributor. PM me - maybe we can work something out if you are interested?
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