by: Paul Slocum
are not enough words to extol the virtues of this incredible game. Perhaps
the most innovative game for the Atari 2600 EVER! Marble craze is based
on those old wooden marble games where you tilted the playing surface
in an attempt to guide your marble through a trap-filled maze. Paul Slocum
more than succeeds at translating that idea into a VCS game.
There are so many good things about Marble Craze, it is hard to figure
out where to start! The most obvious thing that sticks out about the game
is that it is the first Atari game to utilize both paddles in a single
player game! You control the direction of the marble by tilting the "table"
on both its X and Y axis. The paddles give you independent control of
each axis. The more you tilt, the faster the ball will roll. While that
sounds really easy, believe me, its not. This may also be one of the VCS
most challenging games. With 18 levels of increasing difficulty, Marble
Craze promises a challenge to even the best old school gamer out there!
The game starts you out with walls that make it impossible for your marble
to fall off the maze, but as you progress the walls go away and you must
master control of the marble to survive. If that's not enough for
you, you'll also be racing against the clock; and the game has plenty
of hidden "bonus" items that you can seek out.
Graphically speaking, Marble Craze may not look like much on the surface,
it's a solid colored ball rolling on a mostly solid colored track.
But don't sell it short, Paul went to great pains to make each level
unique and have its own look and feel. A perfect example of this is level
2, the "Atari Age" level. The entire maze is constructed of
Atari classic characters.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about Marble Craze is the music. Marble
Craze will make your VCS produce sounds you never though possible. Paul
(also the designer of the Synthcart) is a 2600 maestro. He displays intimate
knowledge of the Atari's sound capabilities with the varied library
of cool tunes that provide an excellent backdrop to the manic action on
the screen. To top it off, the first run of Marble Craze carts were released
in very nice collector's tins with full color manuals.
Most important of all though, is simply how much fun Marble Craze is
to play. When I first got the game, I spent several weeks playing it exclusively.
It's addictive, its fun, and no matter how good you are, the game
is always a challenge. For these reasons, Marble Craze is my Homebrew
of the Year! |
Other Homebrews released in 2002 |
by: Erik Eid
card game for the VCS? Activision had Bridge, and that thing was a snooze-fest
if you ask me. However, Erik Eid does an AMAZING job of bringing the popular
card game Euchre to life for your Atari. I was skeptical at first, having
played Euchre with my family as a child, but not really jazzed about playing
it by myself on a video game system. Yet I overcame my skepticism long
enough to re-learn the rules for the game and give it a try. I am very
thankful I did.
Euchre is by all rights possibly one of the best "game" translations
for the 2600 (and by "game" I mean things like Chess, Checkers,
Backgammon, Casino, etc). The game play follows the rules of Euchre to
the letter, and the AI is challenging enough to give you a run for your
money, yet is not unbeatable by a long shot. The AI is programmed to keep
the game interesting and keep you on your toes. However be ready for the
computer to "pass" often, if its hand is not overwhelmingly
suited for picking up the trump. This can get a bit redundant as you will
have to re-deal a lot.
Graphically, the game is well set up. The "table" is clear
and easy to read, the symbols for the spade and club suits are a bit squished
but recognizable, and the background is a pleasant green color.
If you are a fan of the card game, you will love this translation. If
you are new to the card game, you can use the upcoming game manual and
the game itself as a handy tutor for learning to play. |
Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring
by: Adam Thornton
five minutes? That's about all it takes to walk through this glorified
hack of a previous homebrew "classic," Dark Mage. This game
utilizes the "Dark Mage Engine" (with a few tweaks) to tell
the story of Frodo Baggins as he journeys to deliver the One Ring to Mount
Doom in Mordor. While a great idea, there is not a whole lot to do in
this game other than follow the story to its end. You have a very limited
range of things to do, and even then the game will not let you deviate
from the story in any way.
LOTR is a nice little homage to the insanely popular trilogy from J.R.R.
Tolkien, but it's not much of a "game." At the end there is
a "promise" of a second release "The Two Towers."
Here is hoping that one is deeper and more involving. This seems more
like an effort to just cram the whole story into an Atari cart (as suggested
in the manual). A neat little exercise, but not a true game.
The best thing about LOTR: Fellowship is the awesome label art and the
manual and the neatness factor of having the "whole" story on
a 4k cart! |
Mental Kombat
by: Simon Quernhorst
no ROM was made available for Mental Kombat in time for this award (and
honestly at $55 a turn, too rich for my blood). However from the description,
this game appears to be an interesting puzzle game pitting you vs. an
opponent (human only, sorry no AI) in a death match version of Connect
Four. The object of the game is to connect four squares of your own color
so that your opponent loses energy to the point where they have no more
and therefore lose the game. Of course your opponent is trying to do the
same to you. Looks like it's probably a fun game, but sadly two player
by: Eric Ball
person maze games are hard to pull off well on the 2600. Tunnel Runner
does it, Survival Island tries to do it, but it's often just a mess.
Eric Ball's Skeleton does a nice job of keeping it simple and succeeds
in creating an interesting first person shooter (believe it or not) for
the VCS in the process. The premise is simple, you are locked in a maze
with a bunch of unruly skeletons. Armed with only your trusty "Undead
Disintegrator" you must make a break for the exit by hunting down
and vaporizing all of the Skeletons who are stalking you (there are 80
Skeleton is a LOT of fun to play, mainly because the game utilizes the
sounds of the Atari as well as your ability to spot approaching trouble.
You can detect how near or far a skeleton is by listening to the sound
of its "footsteps," the closer the skeleton the louder the
"footsteps. (There is a Skeleton Compass option if you do not want
to use the sound). If your VCS is hooked up to a stereo for some odd reason,
then you can even tell if the skeleton is to your right or left!
Graphically, you won't be looking at much unless you are confronted
by a skeleton, but when they do pop up they are well drawn (as is the
unfortunate screen you see if the get you!) By far the coolest innovation
in this game is the sound.
Skeleton got some harsh, yet somewhat deserved, criticism for its lack
of a "kill counter." While the game does not need one necessarily,
the only way to track your progress is to record your own kills or keep
an eye on the color of the maze walls, they change as you kill more and
more skeletons. If I had one criticism of the game, that would be it (that
and maybe the fact that you get one and only one life, because this puppy
is tough!) Skeleton is a fun game with tons of replay value and worth
having in your collection.
Space Instigators
by: Christopher Tumber
happy with your old VCS port of the arcade classic? Well fret no more,
thanks to Christopher Tumber (a member of the XYPE consortium), Space
Instigators is here. Far more than just a simple hack of the existing
VCS game, Tumber started over from scratch to create a more "arcade
real" translation of Space Invaders for the 2600. And I must say
he greatly succeeded. Space Instigators features some impressive programming
feats, such as squeezing nine invaders in per row sans that annoying flicker.
The colors are more true to the arcade original and the gameplay is a
bit crisper as well. If you are a Space Invaders purist, this game will
make you ultra-happy. For the rest of you, it's a neat little title to
pick up, but not a must have.
Space Treat
by: Fabrizio Zavagli
at all those pretty colors! This may be the best looking Homebrew released
this year! With lots of nice graphics and eye-popping colors, Space Treat
is very addictive and fun game in which you must navigate through far
flung space traffic in order to liberate a "tasty treat" from
its home at the top of the screen. But wait, there's more. Once
you get the treat, you still have to get it back home, and trust me, that
is no easy task.
Space Treat is a simple game, but its colorful graphics and compelling
game play make it a real winner and something you will spend a LOT of
time playing. My one complaint, and it's a small one, is the lack
of a score counter. The best judge of your ability must simply be the
level to which you can climb as you nab the delightful delectables from
their lofty perch. This is a very good game and belongs in every VCS collection.
by: Paul Slocum
be honest, this thing is cool. It's not a game, so most people will
gloss over it, but if you take the time to play with it a bit you soon
begin to realize just how smooth this thing is. The Synthcart is a program
that allows you to make "beautiful music" with your VCS. You
don't have to be Beethoven to use this program, all you need is
a love for the squeaks and squawks of the Atari. And even then you might
just end up making some really nifty tunes! (Don't believe me? Feel
free to sample some of the player-created music included on the cart.)
The only real drawback is that you are going to need TWO keyboard controllers
for this one. But don't let that stop you from finding out just
what the 2600 can do! This is a really well put together program that
will enable you to see your old VCS in a whole new light!
Warring Worms
by: Billy Eno
is a GREAT update to the original run Atari game "Surround."
While the object of "Surround" is to, well, surround your opponent
and run them into a wall, Warring Worms takes a more proactive approach
to the idea and allows you to shoot at your enemy worm! Where "Surround"
is worth a few minutes of your time, Warring Worms will be a bit more
addictive and a LOT more fun as a two player party game. In addition to
being able to shoot your opponent for points, you will also be able to
tunnel through any obstacle in your path, even your enemy's tail! And
don't worry there can be PLENTY of obstacles.
While not a big graphic upscale, Warring Worms features many solid variations
for both solo, and 2 player modes. Possibly the hardest of which are the
"random block" levels where obstacles can simply appear out
of nowhere! Overall a nice game, particularly if you are a big "Surround"
fan. But for me, this game is best in a two player environment, much like
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