Adventure Plus
Based on the original program Adventure by Warren Robinett
Hacked by Steve Engelhardt
Hacks do a lot of things, they give new looks to old sprites, they change the way we play a game by giving us new controller options, and sometimes they break new ground by stretching the limits of what an old favorite can do. Adventure Plus is an incredible example of taking a game you know by heart and giving it new life.
Growing up, I, like most Atari gamers, played Adventure until I had every maze completely memorized and could escort the chalice back to the yellow castle with nary a dragon nibble. Upon revisiting the old standard, I found my skills still intact and a beloved game had started to get a bit stale. I'm sure we've all imagined what an Adventure sequel would be like, new castles, new mazes, new worlds to explore in all its multi-colored glory! However, those were just dreams, until Adventure Plus.
Adventure Plus is more than just your average hack of Adventure, it's a complete redesign of the game. Featuring a spiffy title screen, all new mazes, a much-needed facelift for the dragons (ducks no more!), and new obstacles to block your path, Adventure Plus will have you discovering those new worlds you dreamt of for so long.
Enjoying a long stint at the top of the Atariage Store Best Seller's List, Adventure Plus has proven itself to be more than "just another hack." When you improve on a time-honored classic, you deserve no less than Hack of the Year. For a complete list of all the changes that differentiate Adventure Plus from the original, please look here.