2004 AtariAge Holiday Qb Cart Contest
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Bohus Blahut |
This is a landmark in the Chicago suburb of Berwyn (where I grew up), known in the local area due to a local horror movie TV host who would always make fun of the town.
This is Bohus' girlfriend Anne, who also grew up in Berwyn. These pictures were taken in rather cold (zero degrees) weather.
This landmark is from a Berwyn shopping mall and shows a pile of cars on a big spike. You may recognize it from the opening montage of the movie "Wayne's World." |
Chickybaby and Z28in82 |
In 1948, Frank Zamboni invented a machine that transformed the job of resurfacing an ice rink from a three-man, 90-minute task to a one-man, 10-minute job. There have been 7,000 of these signature machines sold throughout history and are still used today. |
Granted it's not a 'historical' place but it is the equipment of our Home AHL hockey team - the Philadelphia Phantoms. |
After winning the game 3-0 and just meeting one of our favorite hockey greats - Ron Hextall (autograph on my jersey) and lots of Phantoms, we both couldn't be more happier to share the memories together. |
Z28in82 poses in front of the Phantom's Coaches Office. |
Clive Young |
Times Square
42nd Street and Broadway Nicknamed “the Crossroads of the World,” (everything is “of the world” in New York, I guess), this was originally Longacre Square when it was built in the 1880s. It was renamed in 1904 when the New York Times moved into its own building there. For most of its life, the Square has been full of crime, prostitution, drugs and violence, but these days, you'll only find them on the Broadway stages (it's the heart of the theater district). Cleaned up in the 1980s and ‘90s by Mayor Rudolf “Douchebag” Gulliani, the square is now the boring home to MTV, BMG, Disney, NASDAQ, Virgin, ABC, Good Morning America, countless daytime talk shows and so on. |
The Museum of Sex
5th Avenue and 27th Street Since you can't find any sex in Times Square anymore other than the occasional Britney Spears appearance at MTV’s studios, you’ll have to go find it at The Museum of Sex, which opened in 2002. Yep, it’s a legitimate museum--according to its website, “The mission of the Museum of Sex is to preserve and present the history, evolution, and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum is committed to open discourse and exchange and to bringing to the public the best in current scholarship in its exhibitions, programs and publications.” I’ve never been in it because I don’t own a long brown raincoat. |
New York Public Library Main Branch
42nd Street and 5th Avenue
The Main Branch is an amazing place to visit--it doesn’t have a circulating library, instead existing as a research facility. It opened in 1911, and is fronted by two stone lions--Patience and Fortitude (the latter is in this photo), which were named by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia (of the airport’s name, of course). I have a personal love of this place as it’s fun to walk around, plus I used the web for the first time in early 1994 there--they had two connections available to the public in half-hour appointments! |
Madison Square Garden
32nd Street and 7th Avenue
It’s billed as the World’s Most Famous Arena (I guess that’s if you don’t count the Coliseum in Rome), and it has a long history. The current version of MSG opened in 1968. People love it but I think it’s an ugly dump. The original Pennsylvania Station--which was just as beautiful as Grand Central Station if old photos are anything to go by--was torn down to make this cruddy monstrosity. It’s owned by Cablevision and is home to the New York Knicks and Rangers, so as you can see, there’s not of good karma running around the place. Still, most rock bands consider playing the Garden to be a big career milestone--if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, baby. |
The MetLife Building
(or as I like to call it, “The Building Formerly Known As Pan-Am”)
Park Avenue and 42nd Street
This building is world-renowned for having been the home to Pan-Am, and for years was called the Pan-Am building. Towering above Grand Central Station, the building is pretty much reviled by architects for its ugly, crass look and the fact that it cut Park Avenue in half, blocking the North-South view (cars can pass through it on a spindly set of ramps). After Pan-Am crashed (so to speak), it was sold in 1981 to MetLife for $400 million. |
34th Street and Broadway
Macy’s was founded in 1858 and moved to this corner in November, 1902. By 1924, the store had expanded all the way west to 7th Avenue, which is quite impressive if you see it in person. The store has over a million square feet of sales space, surely making it one of the most expensive overheads in NYC. It is, of course, home to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (which also started in 1924), and is where all the stars’ floats stop so that they can lip-sync terrible songs during that festivity. Interestingly, Macy’s claims to have invented the tea bag as a marketing scheme, so this is where the first tea bag was sold (this is quite important if you guzzle as much of the stuff as I do). |
Grand Central Station
Park Avenue and 42nd Street
The most famous train terminal in the U.S. (and perhaps the world), it’s claimed that if you stand in the middle of the floor by the information booth/clock, everyone you ever met will eventually walk by. Sounds like the premise for a Seinfeld episode to me. This is the Main Concourse, which is an immense 120 feet wide, 375 feet long and 125 feet high, and its a drop-dead gorgeous public space--if you ever get to New York, forget about Times Square; you really have to see GCS. |
The Flatiron Building
Broadway and 23rd Street, NYC
Built in 1902, this famous wedge-shaped edifice is based on Grecian columns, with a bottom, middle and top, and is only 6-feet wide at the curved northern point. It is the entrance way to the area that was generally considered to be Silicon Alley during the Dotcom era, and it has recently played the role of the Daily Bugle office building in the “Spiderman” movies. |
Empire State Building
34th Street and 5th Avenue
Best known as King Kong’s Jungle Gym, the ESB was built during the height of the Depression. It contains 60,000 tons of steel, which helped it stay standing when an Army Air Corps B-25 twin-engine bomber plane crashed into the 79th floor of the building in dense fog in 1945. As shown in the recent film “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow,” the top of the building was originally envisioned to be a mooring station for dirigibles, but because of the strong winds, the idea was abandoned during construction.. |
The Chrysler Building
Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street, NYC
Built between 1928 and 1930, this art-deco marvel was briefly the tallest building in the world. The distance from the ground to the top of its spire is a whopping 1,048 feet, making it taller than the Eiffel Tower. It currently appears as itself in the film “The Aviator.” |
John Mezzacappa |
This is an early 18th century Scandanavian one horse open sleigh I own that I put on display in my back yard in Stratford, Connecticut for the holiday season. |
Troy Whelan |
Mechanicsville, Virginia - This picture shows the two landmark decisions in my life. Getting married to Donna and purchasing an Ultracade! |
Tyler Jordan |
The Stawamus Chief is the second-largest granite monolith in the world. At 2300 feet it is the central feature of a series of formations that make Squamish a rock-climbers' paradise. |
Mt. Garibaldi rises 8786 feet above the coastal town of Squamish, British Columbia, located halfway between Vancouver and Whistler. |
Simon Quernhorst |
The photos show a few landmarks in my hometown of Wesel, Germany. The best picture would've been the statue of Peter Minuit, the founder of New York. Yes - he is from my home town (mentioned on newyork.com> too). Unfortunately the place is under reconstruction and the statue is not shown right now. This picture is of the "Berlin Gate".This photo is of "Zitadelle", an old city defense wall. |
The "Berlin Gate". |
The TV Tower Wesel (over 320 meters in height). |
The telecommunication tower "Langer Heinrich". |
The "Wilibrordi Cathedral". |
River Rhine (Rhein) - one of Europe's most important rivers. |
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