These pictures were taken at the PhillyClassic
3 show (April 26-27, 2002) by Albert Yarusso and Joe Grand. Click
any image for a higher-resolution version.
Curt Vendel reproduced a section of an Atari trade show display
for his Atari Museum booth,
which he brought to PhillyClassic. The three 5200s on display were
actually Atari Video System X consoles. |
These are reproductions of Atari 5200 boxes for games that never
saw the light of day. These were on display in the Atari
Museum booth, and were created by George Reese. |
These are prototypes of the Atari Video System X, which would later
be renamed the Atari 5200. Regan Cheng, the designer of the 5200 case,
autographed the Video System X case on the right. This is the first
time the all-black prototype was displayed in public. Marketing turned
down the all-black look as too dark and sinister. |
This is an early version of what would become the Atari 1200XL. |
An Atari 2700 system, which was to come with remote control joysticks
standard. |
The Atari 5100, a considerably smaller version of the Atari 5200
that was never released. |
The unreleased Space Invaders and Breakout handhelds from Atari.
This is the Atari 1090 XL Expansion box, which (surprise!) was never
released. |
JaguarVR Headsets. |
This is an original Atari 5200 kiosk for demonstrating the Super
System in stores. Ronen Habot's Castle
Blast and Ron Lloyd's Koffi:
Yellow Kopter were demonstrated in this kiosk during the day on
Saturday. This was displayed in the Atari
Museum booth. |
Curt Vendel of
built three reproductions of in-store kiosks that he brought with
him to PhillyClassic.
Curt Vendel of |
In addition to all the kiosks, posters, and Atari trade show display,
Curt also brought along plenty of Atari-related merchandise to sell.
David Newman, one of PhillyClassic's primary organizers, and Ben
(didn't catch his last name), standing at the PhillyClassic booth.
Their booth contained a wide variety of classic gaming systems people
could play, and these systems were used for many of the tournaments
that took place. In addition, they were selling PhillyClassic t-shirts. |
Joe Grand and Albert Yarusso selling SCSIcide and Warring Worms
carts at the AtariAge booth. Joe can be seen autographing a SCSIcide
cart. |
David Newman's son getting addicted to videogames early in life.
The version of SCSIcide sold at PhillyClassic had a unique label.
However, the labels weren't cut until about 4am Saturday morning,
and weren't applied to the carts until later that morning, barely
arriving at the show in time to sell. |
The box of SCSIcide carts, ready to be whisked off to the show.
The can on the right is 3M Super77 glue. |
A finished cart! |
Joe tries to make an electronic deposit to his bank account. |
Stan being seduced by the addictive gameplay of SCSIcide. |
Brian Prescott gives SCSIcide a whirl. |