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About BinaryGoddess

  • Birthday 12/22/1968

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  • Custom Status
    Bein all artsy and stuff
  • Location
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Interests
    So many things!

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  1. I'm going to jump on the 'just say no to loaning your stuff out' bandwagon. I recently broke that rule and loaned my roommate my pristine dvds of BattleStar Galactica season 1 (which were a gift to me in the first place) He also borrowed a few others out of my DVD collection. I went to watch one of the DVD's I'd lent him, and one of the BSG disks was in the case. I never saw the rest BSGs1 dvds again. He had taken them to work, and LOANED them to someone who never brought them back. WTF? So yes, there will be no more loaning. Loaning == bad
  2. If anyone in the Cincinnati area is going and wants to ride share shoot me a PM!
  3. So yeah, I did this wallpaper for Albert way back when, for OKC. I was playing with photoshop and made this little PSP version of it, and figured maybe someone here would be interested in having it. So here ya go Enjoy!
  4. I call no way, if what you're saying was true, rpgs wouldn't work well on handhelds. But seeing as they have seen the first game boy I guess that shoots the "games need to be short" idea down doesn't it? 1015868[/snapback] what handheld RPG has done amazingly well? the only one i can think of is pokemon, as in terms of RPGs that is a game that you can play in shorter time spans as there isnt much story in them handheld games can be longer in legnth, but it should not be a criticism when a game is not "long" 1016452[/snapback] When a game clocks in at about an hour with no replay value, that's to short I'm sorry but 30$ should get me more than an hour worth of fun. And handheld RPGs do pretty good in general, if they didn't they wouldn't make so many of them on the GBA and soon DS. 1016549[/snapback] MMM handheld RPGs!!! Those are my favorite games for portable consoles because you can play for a bit and then save and put it down. I've had every final fantasy and zelda you can get for gameboy* and I plan to continue with that trend
  5. BinaryGoddess

    Face the pain

    I like this pic, not what I expected at all Love the hair!
  6. Why isn't there an option for both? I will add, once again, depends on why you want it. Having had extensive exposure to both I am leaning toward the psp because of the multi-purpose of it, the *gorgeous* screen.. sigh. There aren't enough great games for it but Lumines and Mercury are both fan-frikkin-tastic. The DS has some amazing games and the ability to play my old gameboy advance games so it's definitely got some serious pros. I would have to say that you really can't compare them, they are two different animals.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me if they did redesign it. Nintendo is good at repacking the same thing and getting people to buy it. I know I personally have owned just about every iteration of the Gameboy Advance, from the original non-backlit version to the flip-up spiffy SP to the Micro (at least I didn't pay for the micro, was an xmas gift) I even see they put out a GBA SP with a brighter screen, the only one I don't have because I was happy with the screen in the original SP. So now they redesign the DS and half the people who bought the original will buy the splinky new one, and a bunch of people who didn't like the originall look will like the new look, and they make more more more money without having to have any more games out than they normally do. Damn geniuses they are.
  8. I'm not happy with the stuff I'm hearing about this show.. but there are still many people attending that I would like to meet and hang out with. I don't suppose anyone in the southern ohio/norther kentucky area will be driving out there? I can't help with the driving but I can donate money for food and gas. Not looking forward to the 15 hour greyhound trip.
  9. Well.. as a new resident of Cincinnati I'd like to come check out the show. Anyone interested in giving a girl a ride?
  10. Thank you Albert, and Shep. I worked really hard to make the forum match the rest of the site that was beautifully designed by Alex, Albert and Dale, and it's nice to be appreciated
  11. http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=72849
  12. Did you read the link I posted? They haven't been removed. Read the link.. --> This link.. right here. Read me!
  13. Thanks It's calmed down a bit since then.. getting to be time to shine it back up again.. hehe
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