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About Atari_Jaguar

  • Birthday 10/26/1963

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  • Location
    Saint Louis, Missouri
  • Interests
    Atari Jaguar and all things Atari.

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  1. That is the most kickass idea I have ever heard on Atari Age in my entire life. I am sending you 3 million dollars in small unmarked bills (mostly fives and tens) through FedEx. Don't ask questions just enjoy. Doug
  2. My daughter is the same way, she likes to play "Dragons" but interestingly enough... she likes me to play Adventure II more then regular adventure... Then she likes to play "the guy" which is her way of saying Pitfall! She loves to say "oh no! Crocodiles!" and "he's swinging daddy!" Her other favorite game is "fish" which is her name for Aquaventure because she likes to see Ariel, the mermaid... she's 3, so she has her own way to seeing things So it definitely is a joy to watch her and to watch all the kids I've seen step up and try out the Flashback 2's, play the games and really enjoy themselves. Curt 918517[/snapback] I am 41 years old and I say "Oh no, crocodiles" and "He's swinging, daddy" too. *scratches head*
  3. I didn't buy one either because I have heard that when you plug one in and push the on button the unit begins to make a loud buzz sound then it explodes into flames with a loud report. The last thing I want is to be rolling on the floor trying to put a thirty dollar fire out on the carpet and people standing around going "Man, im glad that wasn't me." Okay, i'm not sure they really burst into flames but until I hear they are working better I am holding out. Best Regards, Doug Currently playing "DEFENDER 2000" on the Atari Jaguar Console.
  4. Gosh darn it, i was going to say all that but ZONIE beat me to the punch. Well put, Zonie. "Made in China" ---- ugh
  5. As Curt said...check the thread dedicated tothe hidden games... http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=75350 920754[/snapback] What's with the "go find the codes yourself somewhere else hidden in this forum or elsewehere" attitude -- why not be a pal and just pony up the codes and the games and let's not play "ring around the rosey, a pocket full of poseys -- ashes, ashes, we all fall down." Actually im not sure where I was going with that but you get my drift.
  6. First off, Jay Smith is one of the nicest gamers i've ever met. He's a JAGUAR fan much like myself. He has a lovely personality and a beautiful home in the suburbs. Next issue....Tiny Toons for the Atari Jaguar. Even if it didn't possess 64 bit capabilities and played like a 16-bit game I would still shell out the money for the game because A)I l ike Tiny Toons and B)another Jaguar game would be nice. Well, that's my two cents. Kisses, Doug Currently sleeping with his Atari Jaguar Console.
  7. "Your vision is our vision --- ATARI JAGUAR vision!"
  8. I concur wholeheartedly with Gunstarhero. I too would pay $80.00 for a Jaguar version of "TOTAL CARNAGE" but not much more.
  9. I agree with Mister Oesii --- there is a gaping hole in the Golf category and Jack Nicholson Golf would have filled that void nicely. Best Regards, Doug Currently playing "DEFENDER 2000" for the Atari Jaguar Console.
  10. I bought the Atari Jaguar Console and a couple of games in 1993. I loved it. I played with it everynight. I put it on my pillow next to me and I gently carressed it's exterior as I told it stories about the early days in Atari's history and when I am sure it's fast asleep (it makes a cute low-level snoring sound) I then proceed to pull up the sheet half over it's plastic body and put my arm around it and then fall asleep with my best friend. In the morning I get up quietly and make some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast (with a glass of orange juice) and serve it to my friend on a tray so he can have breakfast in bed. After breakfast and a shower we put on our under-roos and I connect my Atari Jaguar Console to the TV and play Cybermorph for 12 hours straight. I love you, Atari Jaguar. I always loved you and I always will. Long Live the Jaguar! Doug Currently adoring the "DEFENDER 2000" game cartridge in the Atari Jaguar Console because Jeff Minter is god.
  11. Battlesphere looks like a pretty solid game but due it's limited availability and the fact that it goes between $450.00 - $500.00 makes it very easy for me to pass this one over. No game is worth that price. For that amount of money I will be able to complete my already growing 50 plus Jaguar games collection and other Jaguar (reasonablly priced) collectibles. Well, that's my two cents. Best Regards, Doug Currently playing "DEFENDER 2000" for the fabulous Atari Jaguar Multimedia Console.
  12. I heard that he was selling them at CGE for about $300. How's that sound, as an alternative to a Sony PSPee. Cheers, JustClaws. 927747[/snapback] Ha ha hah ha ha ha HAH HAH HAH ha ha ha ha! He said "PsPee."
  13. "Introducing the JAGUAR CONSOLE by Atari. A revolutionary system that is vastly superior to any current gaming system on the market. Why play with anything else when you can be experiencing the future now with games like, Battlesphere, Protector S.E., Defender 2000, Missile Command 3D, Alien VS Predator, Ultra Vortek, NBA Jam: T.E., DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D, Raiden, Troy Aikman Football, Iron Soldier, Brutal Sports Football, Syndicate, Soccer Kids and many many others. Accept no substitute. Accept only genuine gaming goodness that only the Jaguar Multimedia Console can provide you. New, from ATARI." Best Regards, Doug Currently indulging myself in "DEFENDER 2000" for the Atari Jaguar Console.
  14. I like both Flashback units although I have to admit -- Flashback 2.0 is a tad tastier and all-around handsome console. Best Regards, Doug Currently playing "DEFENDER 2000" for the Atari Jaguar Console.
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