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Chris Wilkson's 2600 A/V Mod

Chris Wilkson has provided us with some pictures and screenshots of his upcoming Atari 2600 A/V Modification. This modification gives you the choice of composite and S-Video output, as well as stereo audio output (which the original VCS was designed for, but appears to have been removed as a cost cutting measure). The modification is installed by first removing the TIA chip, plugging this module in its place, and then plugging the TIA into a socket on the board. Modifying a 2600 should be relatively easy for someone comfortable using a soldering iron. The following 2600 systems will be supported: Heavy Sixer, 4-Switch Woody, 4-Switch Darth Vader, and the 2600 Jr.

For anyone who's had to deal with a poor-quality RF signal when trying to use their Atari system, this modification will provide a welcome improvement! Chris hopes to have this modification ready in time for PhillyClassic 4 at the end of March and we plan on having it available for sale in our online store shortly thereafter.

Pictures of the A/V Mod in development (click for larger image):

Screenshots of the A/V Mod in action (click for larger image):