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The Atari Times 2004 Compendium
February 3, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

The Atari Times 2004 CompendiumThe Atari Times has announced the completion of the 2004 Compendium. This limited-run book contains 102 pages of articles posted to The Atari Times website over the course of 2003 and also includes nearly 20 pages of new material never before published. This material includes articles for the Jaguar, Lynx, 7800, 2600, home computers, and even the arcade systems. More information about The Atari Times 2004 Compendium can be found here.

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Bidiots! The Video Gamers Marketplace
February 3, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Bidiots! The Video Gamers MarketplaceBidiots!, a new auction and trading site catering to videogame and computer enthusiasts, has just launched, offering an alternative to other auction sites and sales venues such as eBay. Bidiots! has listened to the needs of the classic gaming community, offering auction and trading services at reasonable prices in an environment geared towards video game fans of all types. You can find Bidiots! at, where you can sign up for an account and start selling, trading and buying today!

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Flash Adventure
February 1, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Flash AdventureEveryone's familiar with the classic Atari game Adventure for the 2600. But did you know that Scott Pehnke created a Flash version of Adventure that you can play in your browser? Scott created this version some time ago, but we haven't highlighted it until now. While remaining faithful to the original game, Scott did take a few liberties in rearranging a few items with his recreation, just to keep you on your toes. To try Scott's Flash Adventure out, please point your browser here.

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Cuttle Cart 2 Pre-Orders Now Open
January 26, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Cuttle Cart 2 Pre-Orders Now OpenChad Schell has announced that he is now taking pre-orders for the new Cuttle Cart II, a much improved version of his original (no longer availablet) Cuttle Cart. The Cuttle Cart 2, designed to work with the 7800 (while still supporting 2600 games) contains a wealth of new features over the original, including an on-screen menu system that allows you to select games to play, read manuals, adjust settings, and more. In addition, it has an onboard MMC card slot, allowing you to easily transfer games from your PC to the cartridge. To pre-order a Cuttle Cart 2 and learn all about it, please visit Schell's Electronics.

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The Dig!: Stella Archive Excavation
January 26, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

The Dig!: Stella Archive ExcavationMany of you may be familiar with the Stella Mailing List used by Atari 2600 programmers to discuss homebrew programming on the 2600. But you may not be aware of The Dig, which provides a web-based interface for reading messages or downloading programs posted to the Stella list. The Dig also features a search engine making it easier to hunt for specific topics, find messages with files, or messages posted by specific individuals. Given the Stella list's large repository of knowledge dating back to 1996, being able to quickly find relevant information makes the Stella list that much more useful. The Dig went offline several months ago, but was resurrected recently by Glenn Saunders, who has been steadily improving the site's interface and adding new features. If you're interested in 2600 programming or would like to learn more about what makes the 2600 tick, be sure to stop by The Dig today!

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Atari Day NL 2004
January 26, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Atari Day NL 2004The second annual Atari Day in the Netherlands is scheduled to take place February 8th, 2004 in Holland. Building on last year's success, this year's show will feature Atari games consoles, 8-bit and ST computers, networked games, very rare items, and much more. Admission is free, so if you can attend, bring your Atari computer and spend the entire day having a great time! More information about the event can be found here.

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Combat Redux Contest Ends Sunday!
January 24, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Combat Redux Contest Ends Sunday!If you've been holding off on submitting entries for the Combat Redux Design Contest, the contest ends Sunday night! Over 200 entries have already been submitted, and we've created a Submissions Page where you can view screenshots of all the entries and download the games to try in your favorite Atari 2600 emulator. We will select 28 entries to include in a Combat Redux cartridge, and three of the chosen entrants will receive a free copy of the game. All those whose playfields have been chosen will receive a $5 gift certificate in the AtariAge Store, as well as acknowledgement in the Combat Redux manual. For complete details, please visit the Combat Redux Design Contest page.

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Retrogaming Times #77
January 23, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Retrogaming Times #77A new issue of Retrogaming Times has now been published for your reading enjoyment. Issue #77 features the following articles:

  • Polybius - Fact or Fiction?
  • MAME reviews of Super Burgertime and Popper
  • Odyssey 2 Commercials
  • The Many Faces of...Pitfall II
  • Letters to the Editor

You can find these stories and more at Tomorrow's Heroes.

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Arcade to Atari
January 20, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Arcade to AtariLee's Peek 'n' Poke has posted a new feature, Arcade to Atari, that compares classic arcade games with their Atari 2600 ports. Converting an arcade game to run in the limited hardware of the 2600 was a great challenge for Atari's programmers and one that was met with mixed results. Lee Bolton compares eleven different games and rates each of them on the overall quality of the conversion. To see how your favorite games fare, please visit Lee's Peek 'n' Poke.

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New Virtual Jaguar CVS Build
January 20, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

New Virtual Jaguar CVS BuildFor those of you who want to stay on the bleeding edge of Atari Jaguar emulation, a new version of the Virtual Jaguar emulator has been posted. This is an "unofficial, straight-from-the-butcher" Win32 CVS binary, meaning it's built straight from the current source code and has not received as much testing as an official release might. You can download Virtual Jaguar, view screenshots, and learn all about it here.

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Project Tempest Version 0.9 Released
January 17, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Project Tempest Version 0.9 ReleasedProject Tempest Version 0.9 has been released. The latest version of this maturing Jaguar emulator adds back the GUI (by popular request), includes preliminary CD support, and fixes some object processor bugs. You can download the latest version from the Project Tempest site, as well as keep up with the project's latest developments.

Update: Version 0.92 of Project Tempest has since been released, which includes a fix for a crashing bug when a joypad is attached and adds support for the CDI format 4.0. You can download the latest version here.

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New 7800 Technical Docs at AHS
January 16, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

New 7800 Technical Docs at AHSCurt Vendel has uploaded some new Atari 7800 technical documentation to the Atari Historical Society website. New additions to the 7800 Technical Docs section include:
  • Source Code for the 7800 High Score Cart
  • 7800 Computer Keyboard Schematics
  • 7800 Trak-ball Schematics
  • Atari 5200-7800 Adapter Schematics
For all this and more, please visit the Atari Historical Society at

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Armchair Arcade Launched
January 16, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Armchair Arcade LaunchedA new online publication titled Armchair Arcade, dedicated to publishing articles featuring unique insights and treatments that cover electronic computer and gaming history, reviews, and analysis, has been launched. The first issue contains five different articles of varying length that provide good examples of what future content will be like. Articles for the first issue include:
  • Game Packaging - A Look to the Past When Treasures Beyond the Game Were Within the Box
  • A Treatise on Videogames
  • Intellivision vs. ColecoVision Parts I and II: BurgerTime and GamblingGame
  • Atari - A Tale of Two Systems, Part I: Atari 5200 and Atari 7800
  • Turrican vs. Metroid: A Complexity Issue
Please visit Armchair Arcade to read the first issue.

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EMU7800 Version 0.41 Released
January 14, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

EMU7800 Version 0.41 ReleasedA new version of the work-in-progress Atari 7800 emulator EMU7800 has been released. Version 0.41 of EMU7800 makes use of the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library, bringing full-screen performance on par with the excellent Z26 2600 emulator. Improvements have also been made to sound emulation and game controller support. You can download and learn more about EMU7800 here.

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Project Tempest Update
January 14, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Project Tempest UpdateSome new screenshots have been posted to the Work in Progress page on the Project Tempest development site. Project Tempest is an Atari Jaguar emulator for Windows that is making great strides in emulating the Jaguar accurately. The newest screenshots show the Jaguar CD dinosaur fighting game Primal Rage running with only minor graphical glitches. You can keep tabs on development at the Project Tempest homepage, where you can also download the latest released version.

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Holiday GreetingCart Winners Announced!
January 14, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Holiday GreetingCart Winners Announced!We're pleased to announce that winners have been chosen for the 2003 AtariAge Holiday GreetingCart Contest! Many of you have been patiently waiting for these results, and we've hand-picked two entries that we felt were the most interesting and creative, and then another five random entries from all those sent in. Each winner will receive a limited edition 2003 AtariAge Holiday GreetingCart. The GreetingCart is adorned with a unique, holiday-themed label created by artist Dave Exton, and shows a rendition of the same image when plugged into an Atari 2600, courtesy of Interleaved ChronoColour(tm) technology. To view the contest winners, please visit the 2003 AtariAge Holiday GreetingCart Contest page. Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to everyone who sent in all the great submissions!

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Combat Redux Design Contest
January 12, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Combat Redux Design ContestEvery Atari 2600 fan is familiar with Combat, given it was the game included with the 2600 for many years. To add new life to Combat, Zach Matley has developed a version that supports 28 unique playfields, dubbed Combat Redux. To help create new playfields for this expanded version of Combat, AtariAge and Zach have teamed up to host a Combat Redux Design Contest. Zach has created a Windows editor that will allow you to generate new Combat playfields and test them in your favorite Atari 2600 emulator. We will choose 28 designs from all those submitted, and then create a binary that includes all the winning entries. Each person with one or more entries selected will receive a $5 gift certificate in the AtariAge Store, as well as credit in the Combat Redux manual. Additionally, three winners will be selected randomly to receive a free Combat Redux cartridge. For complete details, please visit the Combat Redux Design Contest page.

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Assembly Language Programming for the Atari Computers
January 11, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Assembly Language Programming for the Atari ComputersThe full text of the classic computer book Assembly Language Programming for the Atari Computers by Mark Chasin is now available at Published in 1984, the book is one of the best introductions to Atari assembly language written. Chapters include graphics and sound, input/output, and machine language subroutines for use with Atari BASIC. Several other books about 6502 machine language are also available at, including the best-selling Machine Language For Beginners, Atari Roots, De Re Atari, and others.

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New 2600 Homebrew: Seawolf
January 9, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

New 2600 Homebrew: SeawolfAtari 2600 programmer Manuel Rotschkar (Gunfight, Star Fire) is hard at work on his latest Atari 2600 title, Seawolf. This game is influenced and inspired by the Midway Sea Wolf and Sea Wolf II arcade games as well as the Astrocade and 8-bit home versions, but is not a direct port. Seawolf also borrows elements from Broderbund's Seafox. Manuel has released an early tech demo of the game to whet your appetite, which you can download from our Seawolf In Development page. You can discuss the game in our Homebrew Development Forum with Manuel and other AtariAge users.

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ARAnyM Version 0.8.5beta Released
January 8, 2004
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

ARAnyM Version 0.8.5beta ReleasedVersion 0.8.5beta of ARAnyM (Atari Running on Any Machine) is now available for downloading. ARAnyM is a virtual machine for running the Atari ST/TT/Falcon operating systems and has been ported to a wide variety of computing platforms. AFROS 0.8.5 (Atari FRee Operating System), a free Atari ST operating system designed to work with ARAnyM, has also been released. You can view the latest news and download the latest source code and binaries at the ARAnyM Home Page.

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