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Castle Blast Limited Edition
October 16, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

If you were planning on buying a limited edition of Ronen Habot's Atari 5200 game Castle Blast, you'll need to act quickly. Ronen has informed us that only 15 copies remain, and after they are sold out the limited, numbered edition will no longer be available. The price of the game is $35 and includes a box, manual and custom label, featuring artwork from the Castle Blast Label Contest held here on AtariAge. To learn more about Castle Blast or to order a copy, please visit the Castle Blast Development Page.

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New Skeleton Binaries Released
October 15, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Download and play Skeleton!Eric Ball has released a new version of his new Atari 2600 game Skeleton. This new version now features a skeleton direction finder, and Eric has created both NTSC and PAL versions. You can download a zip file containing the NTSC and PAL binaries here, a profile entry for Stella, and the latest manual. AtariAge will soon be selling a cartridge version of Skeleton for $20, complete with a full-color manual. If you'd like to pre-order a copy, please drop us a line at [email protected]. To discuss Skeleton with Eric Ball and other AtariAge visitors, please visit our Atari 2600 Forum.

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DCStella Updated
October 15, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Learn more about DCStellaDCStella, the port of the Stella Atari 2600 VCS Emulator to the Sega Dreamcast console has been updated. New release (V0.2d) with new features:

  • DCStella is now based on Stella 1.2, so it now works with more games like Pitfall 2
  • Basic paddle support (try up/down on d-pad for diffrent modes)
  • Left trigger and right trigger are now also mapped to buttons C and Z for the arcade stick
  • Swapping of joyports for Raiders Of The Lost Ark and others (use left trigger to swap after activating in the menu)
  • Thanks to a hint from Dan Potter, the author of KOS, sound now works like intended
  • New and exciting features are already in the pipe, so stay tuned

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    Sunmark SIO2PC Board
    October 14, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit Sunmark.comMark DiLuciano has announced the immediate availability of an SIO2PC circuit board that allows you to quickly make an SIO2PC cable you can use with any of the available SIO2PC software. SIO2PC is a combination of hardware and software that allows you to interface your PC with Atari 8-bit computers. Mark has posted instructions on how to create an SIO2PC cable using his board here, and from the looks of it it's pretty easy and no soldering is required. You can buy Mark's SIO2PC board for $19.95 from

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    Atari 2600 Space Instigators
    October 12, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Learn more about Space InstigatorsVectrex veteran Christopher Tumber has announced that he is working on an Atari 2600 game by the name of Space Instigators. His first Atari 2600 game is based on the popular Space Invaders arcade game, but is much more faithful to the original game than Atari's own 2600 effort. The graphics, colors and sounds of Space Instigator will immediately remind you of the original arcade classic. You can view screenshots of Space Instigators here, and discuss the game with Christopher and other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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    New 2600 Homebrew: Climber 5
    October 12, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Learn more about Climber 5Climber 5 is an Atari 2600 port by Dennis Debro of an Atari 8-bit computer game that originally appeared in COMPUTE! magazine back in 1987. Your goal in Climber is to ascend to the upper rafters of a building under construction to retrieve a baseball that has been hit up there. Of course, there are obstacles along the way that you need to avoid or you lose a life and must start over at the bottom right corner. For more information, including screenshots of Dennis' 2600 version and the original 8-bit version, please check out our Climber 5 In Development Page. You can also discuss this work in progress with Dennis Debro and other AtariAge members in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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    Atari800MacX Version 0.2.1 Released
    October 11, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Atari800MacX home pageA new version of the Atari 800 emulator for OS X, Atari800MacX, has been released. Version 0.2.1 now includes a full OS X Cocoa interface and no longer requires libSDL as a separate download. At this stage Atari800MacX is considered to be in Beta, and any feedback is appreciated. You can learn more and download a copy by visiting the Atari800MacX home page.

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    FrostByte Freddie Pengo Remake
    October 11, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Download FrostByte FreddieBrien King, author of Cart Commander, has released a Windows game titled FrostByte Freddie, based on the popular Sega arcade game Pengo (also released on the 2600 and 5200). Your goal as a penguin stuck in a maze of ice blocks is to rid the maze of pesky SnoBees that are trying to kill you! To learn more about FrostByte Freddie and download a copy to play on your computer, please visit The Arcade Restoration Workshop. You can discuss FrostByte Freddie with Brien King and other AtariAge visitors in our Classic Gaming Forum.

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    CinciClassic Pictures
    October 11, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the CinciClassic web siteIf you'd like to see some pictures of last weekend's CinciClassic show to see what you missed, you'll be glad to know that picture galleries are now springing up. Two in particular we'd like to point out are the ones at Good Deal Games taken by Michael Thomasson and taken by Stan Jr. The show was a big success and we look forward to attending it again next year!

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    That 70's Home
    October 10, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit HGTVOn Sunday, October 13th at 9pm, Home & Garden TV (HGTV) will be airing, That 70's Home, hosted by The Brady Bunch's Marcia Brady. This show will be revisiting the 70's living room, including video games that were popular at the time. We have it on good authority that a prominent figure in the Atari community is featured in this program, so be sure to set your VCRs and TiVos appropriately!

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    Atari 5200 Combat II Advanced
    October 9, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    View Combat 2 Advanced ScreenshotsJohn Swiderski of Mean Hamster Software is working on his second Atari 5200 game, this one based on the Atari's unreleased Combat II for the 2600, but further enhanced for the Atari 5200. Combat II Advanced has support for up to four players (on a four port 5200), new vehicles, and new weapons. The vehicles include tanks, jets, helicopters, and submarines, and each vehicle type has several different battlefields to choose from. The game is about 95% complete and is expected to be released by Christmas. You can view screenshots of Combat II Advanced here and discuss it with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 5200 Forum.

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    2600 Trak-Ball Missile Command
    October 8, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Download Missile Command TBThomas Jentzsch is at it again and this time he has created a version of Atari's Missile Command that works with the Atari CX-80 Trak-Ball Controller. This allows you to play Missile Command for the 2600 that is more faithful to the original arcade version, which also utilizes a Trak-Ball controller. Here is the list of major changes to this version:

  • Trak-Ball instead of Joystick support
  • Different Trak-Ball speeds (normal, fast, kid)
  • New variations that allow two-player games with one Trak-Ball
  • Very slightly changed font to better match arcade version

    Thanks go out to Eckhard Stolberg, who provided valuable testing support for Thomas. You can grab both versions of the binary (NTSC and PAL) here, which you can use with the Cuttle Cart if you're fortunate to have one. You can also buy a version of this game in cartridge form from the AtariAge Store and can discuss Thomas' latest creation in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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    Project Tempest
    October 6, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Project TempestProject Tempest, billed as the world's first ever working Jaguar emulator had its first public release today. Apparently there is no sound and only a few games will run, but it is very promising nonetheless. You may want to follow this thread in our Jaguar Forum, as posted by patters98. Also, the Atari Times has posted a bunch of screenshots taken from the emulator here.

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    CinciClassic Friday & Saturday
    October 2, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the CinciClassic web siteClassic gaming fans living near Cincinnati, Ohio should stop by the CinciClassic show this weekend, taking place on Friday and Saturday at the Forest Fair Mall. Admission is free, and gamers of all ages will convene for a weekend of playing, trading and discussing their favorite games. AtariAge will be on hand for the event, with game systems setup for people to play and a large assortment of homebrew games for the 2600 and 5200 and other fun classic gaming items for sale. To learn more, please visit the CinciClassic web site, and you can discuss CinciClassic with other AtariAge visitors in our Classic Gaming Forum.

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    Euchre Release Candidate
    September 30, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Euchre Development PageErik Eid has released a Release Candidate version of his upcoming Atari 2600 card game Euchre. Changes in this version include bug fixes in the evaluation of the computer players' hands, PAL color changes, and improvements in the computer's gameplay. This release will become the final version unless more bugs are found before Friday, October 4th. You can download Euchre, read the documentation and browse the source code at Erik's Euchre Development Page. You can also leave feedback for Erik in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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    AtariCart Site Launch
    September 27, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit AtariCartFor those of you who just can't get enough Atari in your life, you'll be glad to know of a new web site that's come to town, AtariCart. AtariCart features gaming news, reviews and articles for nearly every gaming console; on and off the market, real or imaginary with specialization of the Atari platforms. They also provide graphic design services for homebrew games; including manuals and packaging, as well as authentic cartridge label reproductions, beautiful renderings of vintage/modern gaming equipment and fictional label creations. You can find all this and more at

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    New Koffi: Yellow Kopter Demo
    September 25, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Koffi: Yellow Kopter WebsiteRon Lloyd (aka Cafeman) is getting closer to finishing his Atari 5200 game Koffi: Yellow Kopter and has released a new demo that you can download and try. This demo represents the game at about 95% completion and allows you to try all four stages on Levels 1 and 2. It also features the winning animals from the Koffi: Yellow Kopter Kontest. Ron anticipates that all programming will be done by October 1st, and that the game will be ready to ship later in the month. You can discuss this latest Koffi demo in our Atari 5200 Forum with author Ron Lloyd and other AtariAge visitors.

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    PhillyClassic 4 Dates Announced
    September 25, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the PhillyClassic 4 web siteOrganizers of the annual PhillyClassic show have announced dates for next year's show. PhillyClassic 4 will take place over three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) on March 28-30, 2003 at the Valley Forge Convention Center in Philadelphia. PhillyClassic is a large classic gaming show featuring coin-op arcade games set to free play, classic home gaming stations, game tournaments, a huge marketplace (and auction), door prizes, giveaways, and more. We had a blast at PhillyClassic 3 (see our report here) and expect next year's show to be even better. To keep abreast of announcements as they are made, we suggest you check the PhillyClassic home page often!

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    Atari 800DC Version 0.72 Released
    September 21, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Learn more about Atari 800DCChristian Groessler has released a new version of his Atari 800 emulator for the Sega Dreamcast, titled Atari 800DC. The changes in this latest version include:

  • Uses Atari800 cvs code base as of September 17, 2002
  • Changing CDs should now work more reliably
  • Load and save (VMU) state now display "please wait" messages
  • Save failures are correctly reported.

    For more information on Atari 800DC, please visit the official Atari 800DC Site. Here you can download the latest version, read the documentation and download the necessary BIOS ROMs.

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    Video Game Bible Collector's Guide
    September 21, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Order a copy of the Video Game BibleAlthough it was released at this year's Classic Gaming Expo, we hadn't been fortunate enough to get our hands on a copy of the Video Game Bible until just recently. The Video Game Bible is a comprehensive collector's guide to virtually every discontinued game system released from 1985 onwards, covering 39 systems in total. Included among the systems is the Atari 7800 and Jaguar. Each game, broken down alphabetically by system, is described briefly and includes manufacturer, rarity and pricing information. You can purchase the Video Game Bible directly from our AtariAge Store (which includes scans of the front and back cover), as well as discuss the book with other visitors in our AtariAge Forums.

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