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Air Cars - Atari Jaguar
 Game Profile      

System: Atari Jaguar
Company: ICD
Developer: MidNite Software
Model #: n/a
Year of Release: 1997
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1 - 8
   Jaguar Controller
JagLink Inteface
Other Labels:
 None (Rarity 9)
   (not available)
 Extremely Rare
 North America
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
 HTML Manual
 Box Scan

Air Cars - Cartridge

DescriptionSubmit Description
Designed by Midnight Entertainment Group in 1995, ICD released Air Cars in limited numbers. No real box was made (it came shrinkwrapped inside a box insert), but the cartridge included a label and manual, along with a picture of what the overlay might look like. This is an action/battle game in which you must destroy enemy bases while in your Air Car, and it supports up to 8 players using CatBoxes or 2 players using a JagLink. Although better graphics can be found on the Jaguar and control is a bit sluggish, linking 8 players using CatBoxes can be a unique experience. The hard part will be finding those extra CatBoxes and copies of Air Cars.

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Atari Gaming Headquarters (by Carl Forhan)--
The Atari Times (by Gregory D. George)30%
Defunct Games (by David)12%
Justclaws JagSite (by Unknown)80%
Average Score: 41%

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