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Cybermorph (1 Meg) - Atari Jaguar
 Game Profile    Box Scan icon   

System: Atari Jaguar
Company: Atari
Developer: Attention to Detail
Model #: J9000E
Year of Release: 1993
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1
Controller: Jaguar Controller
Other Cartridge Styles:
 None (Rarity 1)
   (not available)
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
 HTML Manual
Box Scan icon Box Scan

Cybermorph (1 Meg) - Manual

DescriptionSubmit Description
(No Notes Available)

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Electric Escape Atari Archives (by Robert A. Jung)65%
The Atari Times (by Gregory D. George)60%
Game Zero Magazine (by Unknown)--
Justclaws JagSite (by Unknown)60%
Video Game Critic (by David Mrozek)65%
The Atari Times (by Brendan Onfrichuk)75%
Average Score: 65%

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Tips, Cheats, and Easter EggsSubmit Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs
Boss Fights
Fire Super Weapon during Demo
Sector Codes
Unlimited Ammo

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