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Atari 800/XL/XE Carts

Atari 2600 Cartridge ScansThe Atari 2600 saw more than 500 games released over a period of more than 10 years in North America alone. And of those 500+ games, each title frequently had one or more label variations. That doesn't even take into account the additional hundreds (thousands?) of pirates, clones, and variations found throughout the rest of the world. When you consider all that, the number of different cartridge labels out there is simply staggering.

What we've tried to do is focus on North American games including the major label variations found within. Labels often changed over time as companies developed new logos, newer styles, or they changed their packaging in order to cut costs. We've tried to hit all the highlights, but be sure to contact us if you think we're missing something important.

Some of the label artwork is simply fantastic and it's a shame that the originals are probably long gone. Of special note is some of the artwork from Atari, Sears, Tigervision, and Mythicon. If anyone owns original game artwork, or you know anyone who created original artwork for classic video games, please contact us.

Title Search:

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Title LabelCompanyProfile
Zenji Activision
Zaxxon Sega
XE Demo CartridgeXEAtari
Wizard of Wor Roklan
Webster: The Word Game CBS Electronics
Video EaselBrownAtari
Up for Grabs Spinnaker
Up 'n Down Sega
Typo AttackGrayAtari
Typo Romox
Turmoil Sirius
Track & FieldGrayAtari
Topper Romox
Time Bound CBS Electronics
ThunderfoxXE RidgedAtari
The Learning PhoneBrownAtari
Telelink IIBrownAtari
Telelink IBrownAtari
Super Zaxxon Sega
Super Sketch Graphics Master PPI
Super Cobra Parker Brothers
Super BreakoutBrownAtari
Summer GamesXE RidgedAtari
Submarine Commander Thorn EMI
Submarine Commander Thorn EMI
Story Machine Spinnaker
Star Wars: The Arcade Game Parker Brothers
Star Wars: Death Star Battle Parker Brothers
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Sega
Star Raiders IIXEAtari
Star RaidersBrownAtari
Star RaidersBrownAtari
Squish 'em Sirius
Spy Hunter Sega
Springer Tigervision
Spider City Sirius
Space Journey Roklan
Space InvadersGrayAtari
Space InvadersBrownAtari
Soccer Thorn EMI
Smart Terminal MPP
Slime Synapse
Silicon Warrior Epyx
Shamus Synapse
Serpentine Broderbund
Seafox Broderbund
Robotron: 2084GrayAtari
River Rescue Thorn EMI
River Raid Activision
Rescue on FractalusXEAtari
RealSports FootballXEAtari
RealSports FootballGrayAtari
Rally Speedway Adventure International
R-Time 8 ICD
Q*bert Parker Brothers
Princess and the Frog Romox
Powerstar Pandora
Popeye Parker Brothers
Pool 400 IDSI
Pole PositionXEAtari
Pole PositionGrayAtari
Pocket Modem BOT Engineering
Plattermania Epyx
Pitstop Epyx
Pitfall! Activision
Pitfall II Activision
Picnic Paranoia Synapse
Persistent RAM Intra-Tech Computer Products
Peanut Butter Panic CBS Electronics
Pastfinder Activision
Ozzy's Orchard TG Software
Orc Attack Thorn EMI
One-on-One BasketballXEAtari
Oil's Well Sierra On-Line
NecromancerXE RidgedAtari
Music ComposerBrownAtari
Ms. Pac-ManGrayAtari
Mr. Cool Sierra On-Line
Movie Musical Madness CBS Electronics
Mountain King CBS Electronics
Moon PatrolXEAtari
Moon PatrolGrayAtari
Monster Maze Epyx
Missile CommandBrownAtari
Miner 2049er Big Five Software
Miner 2049er Big Five Software
MillipedeXE RidgedAtari
Microsoft BASIC IIBrownAtari
MicroMaestro Chalkboard

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