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Issue #69 of the long-running 2600 Connection printed fanzine is now available. In this edition:
Activision TV Games From Toymax review by Lee Krueger Miscellaneous hardware hacks by Chris Pepin, Marco Antonio Checa Funcke, Lee Krueger, Chris Wilkson, Kevin Horton and Robert Mitchell 2600 Arcade Cabinet photo News & Notes Letters Classifieds
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GameReset has made available CloneSpy, a ROM checking tool that will allow you to compare your ROMs and return a number of results. While this software was originally written by Thomas Jentzsch in 2000, it wasn't widely known and has been unavailable for some time. What will CloneSpy tell you?
Which original ROM was used for a clone/hack? Where has code been reused for different games? How big are the differences between PAL and NTSC versions? How different are multiple versions of the same game? Are all suspected clone games really clones? Does an oversized dump also contain another ROM?
Visit the CloneSpy page at GameReset for more information and download CloneSpy for yourself.
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Billy Eno has announced the arrival of the Baroque Gaming website, where you can keep abreast of games they're developing for the Atari 2600. Titles in development include Warring Worms, the newly announced Sniper, and a third title called Tree Hugger. You can view screenshots, descriptions and even download the binaries for Warring Worms and Sniper so you can try them in your favorite Atari 2600 emulator. To discuss Baroque Gaming's titles with Billy Eno and other AtariAge visitors please visit our Atari 2600 message board.
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Apparently shown at CES 2002 but escaping our attention until now, it looks like Casio and Infogrames (keeper of the Atari brand) announced an Atari Game Watch at the show. Apparently this is some sort of combination camera and game watch that plays Atari games. We don't know any further details at this time, such as what games it'll play or what type of camera functionality it sports. There's a small blurb about it on this Japanese site (near the bottom), which you can translate into English using Alta-Vista. And be sure to look at the larger image of it here, which also shows the watch from a few different angles.
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We've just put several new Atari 2600 Hacks online, five courtesy of Kyle Pittman and one from Christian Samuel. Here's a list of the new hacks so you can check them out:
Cute Dead Things House (hack of Haunted House) Pink Floyd (hack of Adventures of Tron) Rambo in Afghanistan (hack of Riddle of the Sphinx) THX-1138 (hack of Berzerk) War of the Worlds (hack of Defender) Yellow Submarine (hack of Bermuda Triangle)
If you enjoy these, be sure to check out some of the other hacks as well. And when you're done, you can drop by our message boards to discuss them with other AtariAge visitors.
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AtariAge and Paul Slocum, creator of the upcoming Synthcart for the Atari 2600, are sponsoring a Synthcart Beat Programming Contest that will allow you to contribute your own Beats to the Synthcart. Paul has created a Beat Box Programming Kit that will allow anyone to create beats that can then be played on a real 2600. Three winners will be chosen by Paul among those who submit beats that are included with the Synthcart. These winners will each receive a free Synthcart!
More information on how to enter the contest can be found here, and the contest can be discussed with other AtariAge visitors here. Good luck!
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The winner of the Mental Kombat Label Contest has now been chosen by the game's creator, Simon Quernhorst! Congratulations go out to Jason Parlee, who won the contest with his third label submission. Jason will receive a signed, numbered and boxed copy of Mental Kombat, to which his winning entry will be attached. We wish to thank everyone for their participation in this label contest, and as always, we sympathize with those who have to pick a winner when so many great entries are received. You can discuss the results of the contest in this thread with other AtariAge visitors. In addition, please be sure to check out the Mental Kombat Development Page, which Simon Quernhorst has updated with new information and screenshots.
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Hot on the heels of the Atari 7800 schematics we put online a few days ago, we have Thomas Jentzsch to thank for our latest addition. Thomas dug around his hard drive and located some Atari 2600 PAL schematics to complement the NTSC schematics already online. These schematics were created by Jerzy Sobola and are the clearest schematics we've put online to date. These were created by computer, as opposed to the scanned schematics we've put online previously. We hope some of you hardware gurus out there are able to put these to good use!
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RealityMan has announced that the next version of Jagulator will come in two releases: Gamer and Developer. The Gamer release will be optimized for usability, and the Developer version will contain an optimised emulator and a full debugger. You can read more details and see a screenshot of the Developer release of version 1.60, set to be released soon, at the Jagulator web site. Thanks to Belgarath for the news.
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Infogrames today announced the Atari Anniversary Edition for the Gameboy Advance, due to ship in March. It will include six Atari arcade titles: Asteroids, Battlezone, Centipede, Missile Command, Super Breakout, and Tempest. Single or multiplayer play is supported, and the title will include an exclusive Atari Trivia Challenge. Thanks to Back in Time for the news, and you can visit them for screenshots of three of the six games.
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Jeffry Johnston has announced the arrival of 5200Basic Compiler version 1.20. Jeffry's 5200Basic Compiler will allow you to write programs in a BASIC-like syntax that is then compiled into 6502 assembly. You can then use Thomas Anderson's TASM assembler to create a program that can be executed on the 5200. Visit the 5200Basic Compiler page to download the latest version, documentation and example programs. Please stop by our 5200 Message Board to discuss 5200Basic with Jeffry Johnston (aka Calamari) and other AtariAge visitors.
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Brien King is feverishly working on the next version of Cart Commander, and he'd like to enlist your input! Many significant changes have been made to the upcoming Cart Commander 2.0 and it has evolved into a much broader collecting program than its name suggests. Brien sent us a screenshot of this work-in-progress, and if you've used the current version of Cart Commander you'll notice that it's been given a major overhaul. Brien expects to release a Beta of version 2.0 later this week. You can discuss Cart Commander 2.0 with Brien King and other AtariAge visitors in our message boards.
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Issue #53 of Retrogaming Times is out, with lots of great content for all you classic gaming fans out there. Some of the highlights of this issue include:
The Atari 7800 Battle with NintendoThe Many Faces of...GorfInterviews with Classic Gaming ProgrammersReally Bad Video Game Poetry...and more!
So go check out this issue and be sure to visit Retrogaming Times on the 20th of every month for the latest!
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To complement the 2600 and 5200 hardware schematics we put online recently we've now added schematics for the Atari 7800. We have included schematics for both the NTSC and PAL versions of the 7800. They are linked from our archive sections for the 7800 if you'd like to find them later. Many thanks to Mitch Orman for sending us the raw scans that formed the basis of the images we put online.
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Junies Creations has announced that they are now taking orders for their new Atari 2600 Publishing Service. Junies Creations is offering this service to homebrew authors who wish to create commercial-quality 2600 games, complete with PCBs, game cases, custom labels, boxes, and manuals. You can use their Project Estimator to choose which options you'd like for your project and how many copies you want produced, which will then generate a total price for the job. To discuss this new endeavor with Junies Creations and other AtariAge visitors please visit our 2600 Message Board.
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GameSpy has inducted another Atari 2600 game into their Hall of Fame--this time it's Activision's Pitfall! With 2002 being the 20th anniversary of Pitfall! it's a fitting time for its entry to the Hall of Fame. William Cassidy explores the history of Pitfall!, how it paved the way for future platform games and even delves into the sequels that followed. Read all about Pitfall Harry's adventures by following this link.
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In our continuing efforts to expand our online database with international titles, we recently added the ability to search the Rarity Guide for titles based on the TV Format of the game. For instance, this means you can now search for all NTSC or PAL titles, regardless of what region they were released in. As we continue to add foreign titles to our database, this increased searching flexibility makes it even easier to locate titles and generate interesting reports. As always, we welcome feedback and suggestions, which you can leave for us and discuss with other AtariAge visitors in our Website Comments forum.
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Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later! Mike Beauchamp has connected an Atari 2600 to the internet, allowing anyone to control it through a web browser. This 2600, sitting on the corner of Mike's desk, is interfaced through the parallel port of a PC and controlled using Basic, Perl, and ASP. The video is then captured and streamed back to whoever is playing at the time. While you're not going to break any high-score records, it's pretty cool controlling Q*Bert on an Atari 2600 located thousands of miles away. Please visit http://mikebeauchamp.com to try it out yourself, as well as learn the technical details on how this feat was accomplished.
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Andrew Davie, author of Qb for the Atari 2600, has announced three winners of the Qb Label Contest! Over 100 great labels were submitted, making Andrew's choices difficult, at best. The winning labels are:
David Exton #1 - First Place Chris Johnson #6 - Second Place Cristiana Yambo #2 - Third Place
We congratulate the winners and everyone who created a label for making this a very successful contest! You can read more about Andrew's decisions in this thread, as well as discuss the contest with other AtariAge visitors. Andrew has also announced the immediate availability of Qb - Special Edition to those who previously signed up with him. You can read more detailed information about what this special edition so special here.
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