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Two new issues of 2600 Connection are now available, Issues #70 and #71. Issue #71 is a bonus April Fool's issue being sent out free to subscribers. Here are some of the highlights of these two new issues:
- Issue #70 (Jan/Feb 2002): Cuttle Cart Underground review by Al Backiel, Games Games Games by Russ Perry Jr, A Survey Of CX-2601 Label Variations by Joe Cody, News & Notes, Letters, Classifieds.
- Issue #71 (Mar/Apr 2002): April Fools Spectacular! by Russ Perry Jr, featuring pictures by Lee Krueger, Ken Scott, Keir Howell, Christopher Drum, Philip R Frey, Christian Bogey, "Thrawn", Dale Crum, Kyle Pittman, Wade Summerlin, Ben Combee and Manu Parssinen.
For information on how to subscribe to this printed newsletter, please stop by the 2600 Connection homepage.
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Neil Pearce has written a Javascript version of Combat. Here's what he had to say:
"Real bored last night, so tried to knock up a version of Combat using JavaScript and Dynamic-HTML... process has proved to show me just how inadequate they are for writing games, but fun all the same. Works fine in Internet Explorer, has problems in recent Mozilla/Netscape 6.xx due to a bug that it can't rapidly update images correctly, but older version maybe okay."
If you want to ask Neil any questions, you might want to post them to the Javascipt Combat thread in our 2600 forum.
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Infogrames has released Atari Anniversary Edition for Game Boy Advance. Here is their product description:
"They were the games that captivated a generation — Asteroids®, Battlezone®, Centipede®, Missile Command®, Super Breakout®, and Tempest™ — Six of Atari’s greatest arcade games. Each game is reproduced down to the last detail, and each one is just as easy and fun to play. Whether you’re a diehard fan or a competitive newcomer, you’ve got to play the games that started it all!"
You can also read Leonard Herman's short review in our Arcade Coin-Ops forum.
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New versions of SAP music players for Windows and MacOS are now available at the Atari SAP Music Archive (ASMA). A SAP player is one that allows you to play Atari 8-bit music with amazing reproduction, and there are versions available for most popular operating systems. In addition to the players, the latest version of the ASMA music collection contains over 1300 tunes from Atari 8-bit games, demos, and more. If you're an Atari 8-bit fan, this collection is a must-have. You can discuss the SAP players and archive with fellow AtariAge visitors in our Atari 8-bit forum.
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Adam Thornton has created a text adventure for the Atari 2600 encompassing the entire plot of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic Fellowship of the Ring. Using a modified Dark Mage text adventure engine, Adam was able to squeeze a highly compressed version of the story into a 4K Atari 2600 ROM. This game represents Adam's entry into the 2002 Interactive Fiction IntroComp. Twice as much story is contained within when compared to Parker Brothers' unreleased Journey to Rivendell. The full source code is available here, and be sure to take a look at the manual Adam has written. You can discuss Fellowship of the Ring with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.
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AtariAge is proud to announce the revelation of another previously unreleased Atari 2600 game: I, Robot. This was probably the first arcade game to use 3D filled polygons, but unfortunately for Atari did not do very well in the arcades. However, believing this game would be a huge success, Atari was developing a version of the game in parallel for the Atari 2600. We have uncovered sample boxes (for PAL and NTSC versions), sample cartridge artwork, as well as a binary image of the work in progress that you can download and play. For all the images and further details, please have a look at the I, Robot page we've put together. You can discuss this amazing discovery with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum. Enjoy!
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The period for submitting Castle Blast labels is now behind us, and it's time to vote for your favorite label! At the bottom of the Castle Blast Contest Page you'll find all the labels (over thirty!) submitted to the contest. When you find your favorite, vote for it and you can see how it's doing relative to the other labels. Voting will run for two weeks, after which Castle Blast's author Ronen Habot will choose one of the top three labels as the winner. The winner of the contest will receive a limited Special Edition version of Castle Blast. You can discuss the contest with Ronen Habot and other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 5200 Forum. Good luck to everyone who entered!
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Here's something I wasn't expecting to see anytime soon: SPIKE the Percussionist has created a rack mount Atari 2600 called noizSPIKE - 2600/R for use in his music studio. SPIKE makes frequent use of an 2600 as a musician and was tired of dragging it around and finding room for it in his crowded studio. Finally, he took it upon himself to hack apart a 2600 and mount it in a rack enclosure. All the switches and ports are on the front, as well as the cartridge port. For pictures and more, please visit SPIKE's Homepage and click on the noizSPIKE 2600/R link.
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Brien King has released version 2.0 of Cart Commander, an excellent and full-featured program for managing your classic (and modern!) gaming collection. Version 2.0 adds a large number of new features and improvements over the previous version. Some of the highlights include:
Track Hardware as well as Media Track All Media Types: Cartridges, Disks, CDs, etc. New Collection Explorer to easily manage your collection New Collection Groups for flexible grouping of your lists Now Track 25 attributes for Media and 20 for Hardware Over 100 Platform Names pre-configured New Master Lists added
You can download Cart Commander and read a detailed list of everything that's changed at the Cart Commander Homepage. You can discuss Cart Commander with Brien King and other AtariAge visitors in our Clasic Gaming Forum.
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Ben Larson, author of the upcoming game Incoming! for the Atari 2600, has made several recent updates to the Incoming! Development Page. These updates include a new two-player demo that you can download and try, as well as news about Ben's recent progress. Incoming! is a Sabotage style game in which two opponents shell each other with cannons over a variety of terrains. You can discuss Incoming! with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.
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We've just put six new hacks online for your Atari 2600 gaming pleasure. Five of these are graphics hacks of existing 2600 games, while the sixth, Combat Rock, is a rather unique hack that we'll let you explore on your own. The newly added hacks are:
Beanie Baby Bash (hack of Beany Bopper) Combat Rock (hack of Combat) Cybergoth Galaxian (hack of Galaxian) Lumberman (hack of Pac-Man) One on One (hack of Basketball) Space 2002 (hack of Space Jockey)
You can find all of Atari 2600 hacks we have online here. Enjoy!
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The Castle Blast Label Contest draws to an end at Midnight, Sunday March 31, 2001, so if you're planning on submitting a label or three, now's the time to get crackin'! Nearly thirty labels have been submitted in the contest thus far. After the contest ends, voting will take place to select the top three labels, one of which Castle Blast's author Ronen Habot will select as the winning label. The winner of the contest will receive a limited Special Edition version of Castle Blast. You can discuss the contest with Ronen Habot and other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 5200 Forum.
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Hans Reutter has sent us word that he's posted a new issue of Cyberroach Magazine detailing the recent NWCGE Meeting. There are tons of great pictures of the event as well as a nice description of what took place. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you should visit the NorthWest Classic Games Enthusiasts homepage for more information about this group of Atari enthusiasts.
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Atari emulation on the Dreamcast is certainly heating up! First, Christian Groessler has ported the Atari800 emulator to the Dreamcast. There is no sound yet, but it's nice seeing progress being made in this area. Second, after Christian Groessler ported the original 8-bit code to the DC, Reaper then modified the code to allow you to emulate the Atari 5200 and 8-bit computers, with sound. Please visit Reaper's DC Emulation page for more information. You can learn how to create bootable DC discs over here and can also discuss this emulation effort in our Atari 5200 Forum.
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Atari800Win Plus 3.0 has been released. This is an Atari 8-bit and 5200 emulator for Windows, based on the Atari800 kernel 1.2.2. Some of the newest features include:
Supports 22 types of cartridges Supports BBS software thanks to R: device emulation Can read cassette images as well as raw files DirectSound driver available to music lovers Can save video with sound track to an AVI file Emulates Atari trak ball Will boot any Atari software using one keystroke Fully emulates second button of an Atari 5200 joystick
For more information and to download the latest version, please visit the Atari800Win site. You can discuss Atari800Win in our Emulation Forum. Thanks to Debro for the news.
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Fans of Atari 8-bit computers should head on over to the AtariArchives.org website, where they'll find that Kevin Savetz has put another Atari-related book online. This time it's Compute!'s Second Book of Atari Graphics, one of the many books Compute! published for Atari 8-bit programmers. The full text of the book is available, and the type in programs are included for easy downloading and viewing. When I was learning to program the Atari 8-bit, these books were an invaluable resource. I recommend them to anyone who'd like to learn more about what makes the Atari 8-bit tick.
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Eduardo Luccas and Saulo Santiago, members of the Brazilian classic videogame and computer collectors club Canal 3, have sent us the binary for the previously unavailable game Pizza Chef. This game was originally created by Zimag, but was never released under that brand. We're not sure how CCE got their hands on it, but they somehow did and then released it in Brazil. You can download the binary image as well as view screenshots of Pizza Chef here. To discuss the game with other AtariAge visitors, please stop by our Atari 2600 Forum.
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Thanks to Matt Reichert, who let us borrow a slew of Atari 5200 manuals, we've just put twenty more 5200 Manual Scans online. These new additions bring the number of scanned 5200 manuals to 55, with plans to put more online in the coming weeks. The icing on the cake is this has finally gave us incentive to scan and stitch together the huge Bounty Bob Strikes Back poster, which is well worth looking at if you're a Bounty Bob fan. If you have any 5200 manuals we're missing and would like to scan or loan them to us, please don't be shy!
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Kevin Savetz, who maintains the AtariArchives.org website, has informed us that The Best of Creative Computing Volume 1 is now available in its entirety on the web. Published back in 1976, this 300+ page book contains articles and programs from the first six issues of Creative Computing magazine. While there isn't much Atari-related content contained within, this book is a true classic and well worth the time spent reading for anyone who has any interest in computing during that era. You can find the entire contents of the book here. Enjoy!
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While researching his upcoming website AtariProtos.com, Matt Reichert (aka Tempest) made an interesting discovery: The prototype believed to have been Alligator People all these years is actually Planet of the Apes! And after reading his description of the game, along with the screenshots he's taken, we support his conclusion. You can download the binary here, and we encourage you to visit the AtariProtos.com Planet of the Apes page to read more about this game. You can discuss this game with Matt and other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.
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