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Space Invaders - Picture label - Atari 2600
 Game Profile      

System: Atari 2600
Company: Atari
Model #: CX2632
Year of Release: n/a
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1 - 2
Controller: Atari Joystick
Other Cartridge Styles:
   Rick Maurer (Programmer)
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
 HTML Manual
 Box Scan

Space Invaders - Box

DescriptionSubmit Description
(No Notes Available)

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Le geek (by Chris Federico)90%
Atari Gaming Headquarters (by Adam King)90%
Phosphor Dot Fossils (by Earl Green)80%
Video Game Critic (by David Mrozek)88%
Gamer Nation UK (by Michael Claffey)90%
Tomorrow's Heroes (by Tom Zjaba)82%
The Atari Times (by Darryl Brundage)85%
Rage Games (by Jay McGavren)70%
Chad Polenz's Profile (by Chad Polenz)60%
Planet Atari (German) (by Sebastian Patting)88%
Planet Atari (German) (by Michael Tausendpfund)63%
GameFAQs (by Jason Owens)90%
Game Freaks 365 (by Martin @ Game Freaks 365)80%
Average Score: 81%

Did You Know?Submit Trivia
• Space Invaders for the 2600 was the first ever 'killer-app' videogame.
• Space Invaders for the 2600 was the first home license of a coin-op video game.
• Space Invaders for the 2600 was released with four different labels - Picture, Text, Red, and Silver.

Tips, Cheats, and Easter EggsSubmit Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs
Double Trouble

Hacks Based on Space Invaders
Adventure Invaders (by Krytol)
Alienated (by mojofltr)
Atari Invaders (by Anonymous)
Beast Invaders (by Jeff "Yak" Minter)
Borg Wars III Invasion (by Atari Troll)
C.I.F.S. (by neotokeo2001)
Face Invaders Deluxe (by Barry Laws Jr.)
Fish Revenge (by Greg Zumwalt)
Garden Invaders (by Jamcat)
Invaders From Space (by David Marli)
Kill Dr. Phil (by Joey Bastard)
NOIZ Invaders (by SPIKE the Percussionist)
PC Invaders (by Matthias Jaap)
Planet Invaders (by Charles Morgan)
Space Armada (by neotokeo2001)
Space Invaders (by Franklin Cruz)
Space Invaders (by Ron Corcoran)
Space Invaders Arcade (by Rob Kudla)
Space Invaders Deluxe (by Nukey Shay)
Spice Invaders (by Philip R. Frey)
Star Wars Invaders (by Freddie)
Vector SI (by neotokeo2001)

Related LinksSubmit Links Space Invaders
Killer List of Video Games - Space Invaders

Related Titles
Space Invaders (Sears)
Space Invaders (Self-Published)

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