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Basketbrawl - Color label - Atari 7800
 Game Profile      

System: Atari 7800
Company: Atari
Model #: CX7880
Year of Release: 1990
Media Type: Cartridge
Number of Players: 1 - 2
Controller: Pro-Line Joystick
Other Labels:
   (not available)
 North America
 Cartridge Scan
 Manual Scan
 HTML Manual
 Box Scan

Basketbrawl - Manual

DescriptionSubmit Description
Another quirky 7800-only title, Basketbrawl is arguably the best sports title in the library. Released in 1990, this Atari game featured six selectable characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, not just two generic teams like most Atari sports games. It also featured three different courts and a referee that throws knives at the athletes. The two man teams try to score and/or knock each other out with either fists or the ball. You can either outscore your team the traditional way, or knock them out cold. It's winner-stays-up style ball, and you'll stay up until you are beaten, or beaten unconscious! Power ups can make players stronger, faster, or increase their health. You and a friend can play head-to-head or cooperatively. The most interesting aspect of the game is when a teammate is knocked out and you are forced to keep playing games as long as possible alone. The working title for the game was "Hoop Wars", and Atari made the right choice by changing the name to Basketbrawl. This is another quality title in the 7800 library that is hard to find. (Contributed by Cousin Vinnie Vineyard)

External ReviewsSubmit Review
Granny Vinnie's 7800 Reviews (by Granny Vinnie)80%
Planet Atari (German) (by Michael Tausendpfund)68%
Average Score: 74%

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