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5200 Demos at CGE2K2
August 7, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the AtariAge at CGE2K2 PageAtariAge will be demonstrating two forthcoming 5200 games at CGE. Adventure 2 is an early technology demo that only consists of a few screens, but the game shows great promise. Koffi: Yellow Kopter is very near to completion and author Ron Lloyd expects it to ship in early September. The demo we will be showing is several levels of the game and is basically feature complete. You can find out more about these and other products that we will have at CGE on our AtariAge CGE2K2 page.

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Berzerk Voice Enhanced at CGE2K2
August 6, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

View picture of Berzerk VEFans of the original arcade game Berzerk fondly remember the speech featured in the game, with phrases like, "Chicken, Fight Like A Robot!" to taunt the player. Until now, the Atari 2600 port of this great arcade game lacked any speech whatsoever. Mike Mika has created a unique version of Berzerk for the 2600 that features the most voice ever on a 2600 cartridge, with the sayings, "Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!, "Chicken, Fight Like A Robot", and "Humanoid Must Not Escape." Mike has also restored the original Arcade color scheme and reworked the artwork to more closely match the arcade original. This is a must have for any Berzerk fan and will be available at the AtariAge booth at CGE this upcoming weekend. Click here for a larger picture of the cartridge and manual.

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Classic Computer Magazine Archive
August 1, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Classic Computer Magazine ArchiveBig things are happening at the Digital Antic Project. You can now find the full text of every issue of STart magazine, dedicated primarily to Atari ST computers but with some 8-bit content later on, published from 1986 to 1991. In addition, the site now includes full-text articles from 35 issues of Creative Computing, a wonderful magazine that was enjoyed by computer enthusiasts for many platforms when it was published from 1974 until 1984. Due to the archive's new inclusion of non-Atari specific magazines, it has been renamed to the Classic Computer Magazine Archive. And don't forget to check out the full text of all 88 issues of Antic magazine while you're there!

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Space Treat at CGE2K2
July 30, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Read more abut Space TreatFabrizio Zavagli's Space Treat for the Atari 2600 is another homebrew title that will be making its debut at this year's Classic Gaming Expo. The game will include a cartridge and manual, and there should be around 70 copies available for purchase. In Space Treat, you control a ship that must reach the top of the screen, collect the tasty treat located there, and get it back to its base at the bottom. You can learn more about Space Treat by visiting its AtariAge In Development entry, which includes screenshots and an early demo.

Discuss in our Forum with other visitors... Repair Service
July 29, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit informs us that they are now in the business of repairing Atari 2600 consoles. Using their service, your Atari 2600 will be repaired using original Atari service manuals, parts, and diagnostic tools by's Service Technician who gained his experience repairing Atari equipment in the early 1980's. guarantees their repairs for 90 days and the price for a repair is $25.00 plus parts and shipping. You can learn more by visiting

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Steem Engine 2.4 Released
July 29, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Steem Engine HomepageVersion 2.4 of the Steem Engine Atari ST emulator has been released. Steem is an Atari ST emulator for Windows and Linux that runs the majority of Atari ST software, including games. Steem is easy to setup, as long as you remember to grab the necessary TOS images first. The latest version of Steem contains several bug fixes and a few new features, which you can read about (and download the latest version) at the Steem Engine Homepage.

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7800 Klax - Boxed and Signed
July 28, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit ResQsoftLee Krueger of ResQsoft Productions has announced the immediate availability of Klax for the Atari 7800. Klax was finished and about to be released when the axe fell at Atari. Included with Klax is a 7800 compatible cart (NTSC), Atari style box, instructions, and a supplement that includes an exclusive interview with programmer David Dentt. A limited number of copies have been autographed by David Dentt himself. For more information about Klax and other 2600/7800 products, please visit ResQsoft Productions.

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Atari 2600 as a PC Case
July 27, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit RetrosystemLooks like someone has found a use for old console and computer cases. Retrosystem removes the guts from Atari 2600, NES, and Amiga 1000 systems and replaces them with a modern PC that will run Windows or Linux. The Atari 2600 model features an 800Mhz CPU, 128MB of RAM, 5GB hard drive, DVD-ROM, various ports, and more. When ordering, you can upgrade the hard drive, memory, and other components, but be prepared to spend at least $999. You can discuss the work Retrosystem is doing in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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Koffi: Yellow Kopter Kontest
July 25, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Koffi: Yellow Kopter Kontest PageIf you've been following the 5200 homebrew scene, you are probably well aware of Ron Lloyd's upcoming Koffi: Yellow Kopter where you play the roll of Koffi, a yellow kopter who must save the forest animals from the evil electrified stormcloud Pyro. AtariAge and Ron Lloyd are sponsoring a contest where you can help design one of the animals that Koffi has to rescue in Koffi: Yellow Kopter. Two entries will be selected to appear in Koffi, and the first place winner will receive a free copy of the game. For more details on how to enter the contest, please visit the Koffi: Yellow Kopter Kontest page.

Discuss in our Forum with other visitors... Relaunch
July 25, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit Atarinvader.comWill Luton has announced that the new has been launched today. Atarinvader caters to fans of the Atari 2600, featuring Atari news, articles written by a crack team of knowledgeable Atari players, a large assortment of 2600 game reviews, and even Atari-related comics. You can find all this and more at

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Songbird Celebrates CGE 5th Anniversary
July 24, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Songbird Productions has announced that to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Classic Gaming Expo they are going to release a limited number of Jaguar and Lynx collectibles that provide a retrospective on shows from the last four years. The Jaguar CGE 5th CD features a slide show of digitized pictures from the World of Atari 98 all the way to CGE2K1. The Lynx CGE 5th cartridge also features a slide show, with over a dozen digitized pictures from CGE's past. Only 60 copies of each commemorative item will be produced, and they will be available at Songbird's booth at CGE. You can read the full press release here.

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Haunted House II 3-D Winner Announced
July 23, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Jump to the Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest PageJohn Swiderski has selected a label from Earl Green as the winning entry in the Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest. Earl will receive a copy of Haunted House II 3-D for his creation, and the label will adorn all copies of the game sold at this year's Classic Gaming Expo. You can discuss the contest and results in our Atari 5200 Forum. Congratulations to Earl Green and thanks to everyone who submitted labels making this contest a huge success!

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New 2600 Paintings from Krytol
July 23, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

View Krytol's Atari-inspired PaintingsIf you're an Atari 2600 fan (who isn't?), Krytol has revealed new 2600-inspired paintings that he has created. He has completed a painting of the Green Goblin from Spider-Man (adding to his previous efforts based on Space Invaders, Adventure and Empire Strikes Back) and is currently working on Yars' Revenge and Gangster Alley paintings. You can see the paintings Krytol has for sale here, and the new works in progress here and discuss them with Krytol and other AtariAge visitors please stop by our Atari 2600 Forum.

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Dark Chambers Maps and More
July 21, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Dark Chambers Maps PageDark Chambers is a game similar to Atari's coin-op Gauntlet, although a bit simpler in form for the 2600. Thanks to the work of Arlino Henrique, we have just put maps online of every Dark Chambers level (A - Z). In addition to the maps, Arlino also put together a collection of savegames from the beginning of each level (which you can use with the PC Atari Emulator), as well as a movie showing how he played through Level Z. All this Dark Chamber goodness is located here and if you need to find it later you can get to it from our Atari 2600 Archives page.

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Jagfest 2K2 Report
July 21, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Read the Jagfest 2K2 ReportTim Wilson, fresh from his trip to St. Louis last weekend, has written a report about Jagfest 2K2. This year's Jagfest was held over two days, giving gaming enthusiasts ample time to discuss and enjoy their favorite games and systems. You can read Tim's detailed report here, accompanied by pictures taken by Gregory D. George.

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2600 Euchre Homebrew Update
July 20, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Euchre Development PageErik Eid sends us word that he has created a page describing the development of his upcoming Atari 2600 game Euchre. Euchre is an adaptation of the card game of the same name that is popular in the midwestern and northeast United States. You can read all about Erik's 2600 version of the game, download the ROM to try in your favorite emulator, and look over the source code at Erik's Euchre Development Page. You can also discuss Euchre with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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Ball Game Breakout Clone for Jaguar
July 20, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit Starcat Developments' Ball Game PageStarcat Developments has announced a new project for the Jaguar with a working title of Ball Game. Ball Game is a breakout clone that includes a level editor for the PC that allows you to create new levels, recompile the binary and then upload it back to the Jaguar (using JUGS, Protector SE, BJL, Jag Server, etc.) At this point in development Starcat is looking for user-submitted levels to be included with the final game, as well as feedback. You can download and find more information about Ball Game here, and discuss the project with the developers and other AtariAge visitors in our Atari Jaguar Forum.

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Haunted House Label Contest Ends Sunday
July 19, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Jump to the Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest PageThe Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest ends Sunday, July 21st at midnight so you only have two days to finish a label if you'd like to enter! The winner of the contest will receive a copy of Haunted House II 3-D, slated to be released at the AtariAge booth during the Classic Gaming Expo in August. To view the many labels submitted thus far (for inspiration!) and for details on how to enter the contest, please visit the Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest page. And don't forget, you can discuss the contest and labels with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 5200 Forum. Good luck!

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Swordquest AirWorld at CGE2K2
July 19, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the AtariAge at CGE2K2 pageAtariAge will have the first public demonstration at the Classic Gaming Expo of the upcoming Swordquest AirWorld game being developed for the Atari 5200. AirWorld is the unofficial conclusion to the Swordquest Challenge that Atari abandoned after the third title, Waterworld. When completed, AirWorld will include a custom label, manual, box, and comic book. In addition to a demonstration of the game in development, we will be displaying artwork from the comic currently being authored by Ken Van Mersbergen and Aimee Tate. To keep abreast of everything we'll have at our booth, please visit our AtariAge at CGE2K2 page.

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A-VCS-tec Challenge & Mental Kombat Updates
July 16, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit our A-VCS-tec Challenge Development PageSimon Quernhorst has given us some updates regarding his Mental Kombat and A-VCS-tec Challenge 2600 homebrew projects. Most of the headbands for Mental Kombat are now produced, and Simon has posted pictures of the production on his Mental Kombat Development Page. We will have several copies of the game (complete with box, manual, two headbands, and more) for sale at CGE. In A-VCS-tec Challenge news, Simon has announced that it will be an 8K game, and that Paul Slocum (Synthcart, Marble Craze) will be responsible for recreating the catchy Aztec Challenge tune on the 2600. You can download a preliminary version of A-VCS-tec Challenge here, which includes the title screen and music.

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