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Space Treat is a new game being developed for the Atari 2600 by Fabrizio Zavagli (aka Rasty). In Space Treat, you control a ship that must reach the top of the screen, collect the tasty treat located there, and get it back to its base at the bottom. The current version of the game only has three cycling levels and is still missing several features in terms of gameplay, cosmetics, and audio. Fabrizio estimates this version is roughly 60% complete, but it's still playable and we think it shows great promise. You can view screenshots and download the binary here. Fabrizio welcomes your feedback, which you can leave in our Atari 2600 Forum.
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Just a friendly reminder that the Thrust Plus High Score Contest ends this Sunday at Midnight! The contest objective is simple: Who can get the highest Thrust score? The winner will receive a Thrust Plus: Special Edition package (serial #1), a special certificate, and free shipping anywhere in the world. There are also prizes for the second and third place winners, and those who have already reserved a copy of Thrust Plus can compete to win a lower serial number (numbers 4 through 10). Check out the Thrust Plus Contest Page for all the details, and visit our 2600 Message Board to discuss the contest with Thomas Jentzsch, Jah Fish, and other AtariAge visitors.
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CGE Services, organizers of the 2002 Classic Gaming Expo in August, have provided us with screenshots of the three Atari 2600 titles they will be releasing at this year's show. The three games are Pick-Up and Save the Whales from 20th Century Fox, and Crack'ed from Atari. These previously unreleased prototypes will be sold complete with a custom label, box, and manual, in the same vein as last year's Elevator Action CGE release. You can discuss these upcoming CGE releases with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.
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B&C ComputerVisions has announced they are now shipping copies of the unreleased Jaguar games Phase Zero and Barkley Shut Up & Jam. It is unclear at this time how complete these games are, although we suspect Phase Zero is just a demo and that Barkley Shut Up & Jam may be complete. B&C has also announced they will be shipping a Jaguar CD Bypass Cart (allowing you to run unencrypted software on your Jaguar), which will also include a free Songbird Native CD-ROM. You can discuss these new Jaguar releases with other AtariAge visitors in our Jaguar Forum.
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Ron Lloyd, aka Caféman, has a new demo of us upcoming Atari 5200 game Koffi: Yellow Kopter. This version represents the game at about 70% completion, and you can play two of the four stages that will make it into the final game. Be sure to check out the instructions for details on how to play the game. To discuss Koffi with Ron Lloyd (he's still looking for feedback) and other AtariAge visitors, please stop by our Atari 5200 Forum.
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Fox of the demo group Taquart has released version 2.4 of the Atari 8-bit XASM Assembler. XASM is a set of tools for developing Atari 8-bit software on a PC using DOS or Windows. The package includes a 6502 cross-assembler that you can use with your favorite text editor as well as utilities to help you run your executables on an Atari 8-bit. Fox has created a new XASM Home Page where you can download the latest version and read the documentation online. You can discuss XASM with other 8-bit programmers in our Atari 8-bit forum.
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HCC Software has announced Box-Art Stampede, a PC remake of Activision's Stampede. The twist is that it's based on the box-art from Stampede, giving it a Paper Mario feel. The program is currently in beta and does not have sound but we expect that to be added in the future. You can see screenshots and download it at the HCC download page. While you're there, check out HCC's other Atari inspired games Defensor and K-Boom.
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Mark DiLuciano has announced that he will soon be selling reproductions of the extremely rare CommaVid cartridges Magicard and Video Life. Both cartridges were released by CommaVid in extremely limited quantities and are quite difficult to obtain these days. Mark's new circuit boards will fit into any CommaVid cartridge shell, and programming overlays are included with Magicard. The price for Magicard with overlays will be $79.95, Video Life will be $59.95, and Mark plans on making them available at the end of June. You can write to Mark DiLuciano to reserve a copy today, and he will soon have a web site online with more details.
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More information about the upcoming Midwest Classic, to take place June 8, 2002 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has been revealed by the show's organizers. The show will feature a large classic gaming and computing museum, a special demonstration of how a pinball machine works (along with machines to play), various game tournaments for prizes, food from Chuck E. Cheese, and much more! You can read about and discuss the latest announcement here, and for detailed information about the show please visit the Midwest Classic Website.
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We've gotten word from Atari7800.com that they are set to launch their new site on June 2nd, 2002. The site will be completely revamped, with all-new material, photographs, and exclusive products. While the site's focus will be centered around the Atari 7800, it will also feature information on the 2600, 5200, and Lynx, top-quality sales of new and fully refurbished Atari products, informative Atari history articles, Atari 7800 news, and more. Please visit Atari7800.com for more details.
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Although we weren't personally able to attend E3 this year, our roving reporter Scott Martin (currently a programmer on Planetside for Sony) took time from his busy schedule to snap some pictures for us. You can find Scott's pictures here. This year's show featured a great variety of games for all platforms, and you can bet we won't be missing next year's show!
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AtariAge is proud to announce a high-score contest for the recently unveiled Thrust Plus: Special Edition. The contest objective is simple: Who can get the highest Thrust score? The winner will receive a Thrust Plus: Special Edition package (serial #1), a special certificate, and free shipping anywhere in the world. There are also prizes for the second and third place winners, and those who have already reserved a copy of Thrust Plus can compete to win a lower serial number (numbers 4 through 10). Check out the Thrust Plus Contest Page for all the details, and visit our 2600 Message Board to discuss the contest with Thomas Jentzsch, Jah Fish, and other AtariAge visitors.
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Chad Schell, creator of the extremely cool Cuttle Cart for the Atari 2600, sends us word that updated software is now available for Cuttle Cart owners. The Windows PlayBin program has some fixes for incompatibilities relating to the startup state of the 2600 after a game loads, and more games have been added to the auto-detection list. In addition, a new version of makewave that now properly supports command-line switches can also be downloaded. You can get both of these programs at the Cuttle Cart Homepage and you can discuss them with other AtariAge visitors here.
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Thomas Jentzsch and Jah Fish have teamed up to produce the Thrust Plus: Special Edition. This limited edition of Thrust includes a customized foot pedal that allows you to take over three functions from a connected joystick (in Thrust Plus it is used to control the engine), a unique, hand-numbered (1-50) label, a custom-made box with the new Thrust illustrations, a booklet containing the instructions and game development history, and a bonus sticker. For more information and to reserve your copy today, please visit the Thrust Plus website. AtariAge will shortly be announcing a contest that will allow you to reserve one of the first ten Thrust Plus packages as well as receive a special certificate. You can discuss Thrust Plus with other AtariAge visitors on our Atari 2600 Forum.
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Junies Creations has announced that they are now selling their Ultimate 15 VCS Atari 2600 system. The Ultimate 15 VCS has a port for a 15-pin controller, which then allows you to use all the standard Atari 2600 console switches (TV Type, Game Select, Game Reset, Left and Right Difficulty) from controllers modified for this purpose (which Junies also sells). The Ultimate 15 VCS includes a Type-F Coaxial connector built-in, for easier connection to your television. A Power On/Off LED has also been added to make it more obvious if the system is on or off. More details are available here, and you can visit the Junies Creations website to order the Ultimate 15 VCS.
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Simon Quernhorst has sent us a picture of the packaging for his soon to be released Atari 2600 game Mental Kombat. The package includes a custom label, manual and box, the artwork for which was created by Jason Parlee for the Mental Kombat Label Contest held here on AtariAge. In addition, Simon is busy producing headbands to be included with the game. Please visit the Mental Kombat Development Page for more information, including plenty of screenshots.
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MyAtari.net has posted an article about the Game On exhibit currently on display for those fortunate enough to be located in the UK. The Game On exhibit, running through September 15, 2002, is a large, interactive, public display charting the "history, culture and future of videogames." MyAtari.net's photo diary by Shiuming Lai provides a wonderful overview of this exhibit, and you'll want to visit yourself after you see the photos! Please stop by the official Game On website for more information about the exhibit.
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Just a reminder to everyone living in the Northern Ohio area that the Classic Computer and Gaming Show (CCAG) takes place this Saturday, May 25, 2002. Going on its third year, the CCAG show is a great way to do a little buying and trading with classic video game and computer fans in the midwest. This year, a full-sized Klax arcade game will be raffled off (your $2 admission nets you a raffle ticket), Tim Snider will be selling CCAG exclusive versions of Venture II and Mystery Science Theater 2000, and more! Please visit the CCAG Homepage for more detailed information about the event.
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Silvio Mogno is writing a new Space Invaders clone for the 2600, tentatively titled Rainbow Invaders, due to the game's increased use of colors over Atari's port of the classic arcade game. According to Silvio the game is around 50% complete at this point, and he has released a non-playable demo so you can take a look at it in your favorite emulator. At this stage Silvio is looking for feedback, and you can write him at [email protected] as well as discuss the game with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.
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If you're a video game fan of any sort, you'll want to check out the just-published High Score! The Illustrated History of Electronic Games, written by Rusel DeMaria and Johnny L. Wilson. This is a comprehensive book covering electronic games' complete history, from its origins all the way through the present. This 328 page book is jam packed with an amazing number of photos and excellent editorial content, and we can't wait to read it cover to cover. You can get more information and purchase the book at Amazon.com and can also discuss High Score! with other AtariAge visitors in our online forums.
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