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A new version of MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) for Windows has been released, bringing the version number up to 0.56.1. MESS emulates a large number of classic game consoles and computers, and most importantly (for Atari fans) emulates the Atari 7800. This latest release appears to correct problems in the last version that broke emulation for several 7800 titles. You can download MESS for Windows and other platforms at the MESS Homepage and discuss it with other AtariAge visitors here.
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Thomas Jentzsch has taken some time recently to create additional TV Format Conversions for the Atari 2600. This time he has converted three games from NTSC to PAL: Cat Trax, Cosmic Commuter, and Montezuma's Revenge. For Montezuma's Revenge to run properly you must tell the emulator/Cuttle Cart software to use Parker Brothers bankswitching (e.g. z26 -g3). You can download these conversions and more from our TV Format Conversions page. You can also write Thomas Jentzsch at [email protected] to suggest additional titles you'd like to see converted.
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Organizers of the upcoming Midwest Classic, to take place June 8, 2002 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, have announced that the show will feature a Classic Gaming Museum. The museum will contain a wide array of rare and unusual computer and videogame developments from the past and present and is being assembled by Martin Goldberg of ClassicGaming.com and J.D. Normal of Die-Hard Gamer online. An entire list of the items to be displayed in the museum may be found here, and you can read the entire announcement here. More information about the Midwest Classic may be found at the Midwest Classic Website.
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JAKKS Pacific, Inc. announced today that their Toymax subsidiary has entered an agreement with Infogrames Interactive to develop and market the Atari 10-In-1 TV Games. This controller-shaped, standalone unit that plugs directly into your TV will be very similar to the previously released Activision TV Games unit, but will instead feature games created by Atari. Available in five different colors, the Atari 10-In-1 TV Games will include Centipede, Asteroids, Missile Command, Battlezone, Adventure, Combat, and more. You can read the full press release here, and discuss it in our Atari 2600 forum here.
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If you've followed what took place at last month's PhillyClasic 3, you know that Atari programmer Bob Polaro was on hand to launch a previously unreleased version of Bugs Bunny. Sarah Szefer sat down with Bob Polaro at PhillyClassic and talked with him about his previous work and the history behind Bugs Bunny. Here Bob Polaro talks about what he did after leaving Atari:
Bob Polaro: After I left Atari, I started my own company, developing educational software, self-publishing that, and I did that for about three or four years. And then, there was a resurgence of the 2600 due to Nintendo, I believe, and then I got into contract 2600 games, first for Atari again, and then for Mediagenics, which was Activision, and back to Atari. That's what I did in the short term. Then eventually, I got into Sony Playstation and Super Nintendo, and now I'm doing Java Internet games.
The full interview can be found here.
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We had over 200 slogan suggestions for the t-shirt contest - we'd like to thank everyone who participated! After reading through all the submissions, we discovered it's not an easy thing to choose one entry out of hundreds for a single winner. So, we took the easy way out and picked three. Anyway, without further ado, here are the winning entries (in no particular order):
"Classics Only Get Better With Age" - Ashley Alford "Mine's Got a Wood Panel" - Dave Exton "Good Games Only Need One Red Button" - Joe Kollar
Each winner will receive an AtariAge t-shirt of their choice with their slogan on the back. You can see all the entries here, and if you'd like to discuss the slogans, tell us what idiots we are for not picking your entry, or just tell us which one was your favorite, please go the the T-Shirt Contest thread on our message board. If you'd like to buy a shirt with one of these slogans, visit the AtariAge Gear Store.
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Manuel Polik (author of Gunfight and the upcoming Starfire) has released the first public version of CyberStella, a new Windows version of Stella to replace the aging StellaX that is no longer in development. CyberStella includes the Xype games Gunfight, Thrust, Qb, and Jammed built-in. Future versions of CyberStella will include additional homebrew games as authors ask them to be included. You can download CyberStella here to try it for yourself. To discuss CyberStella with Manuel Polik and other AtariAge visitors please drop by our Emulation forum.
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ClassicGaming.com has posted a feature by Chip Dolce covering the recent PhillyClassic 3 Expo. In addition to the writeup and pictures, you can download audio coverage of the event here. The broadcast includes interviews with John Dondzilla, John Sellers, Cassidy Nolan, and Carl Forhan. Enjoy!
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Mike Stulir sends us word that complete coverage of the recent PhillyClassic show has been posted at Back in Time. Coverage includes photos as well as a new webcast featuring the following guests:
David Newman & Marc Pallante -- PhillyClassic Organizers Bob Polaro -- Former Atari programmer Leonard Herman -- Author of "PHOENIX: The Fall & Rise of Videogames" Deborah Palicia -- Author of "Pac-Man Collectibles" Joe Grand -- Author of "SCSIside" Tom Zjaba -- Retrogaming Times Walter Day -- Twin Galaxies
Be sure to stop by Back In Time and check out the new webcast!
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The team at AtariArchives.org, led by Kevin Savetz, has announced that two more classic Atari books are now available in their entirety online. The new additions are Atari Basic: A Self-Teaching Guide by Bob Albrecht, LeRoy Finkel, and Jerald R. Brow, and Computer Animation Primer, by David Fox and Mitchell Waite. These books weigh in over 800 pages taken together, so scanning and presenting these books online is an impressive amount of work. When you're finished reading these new additions, don't forget to take a look at all the other excellent material online at AtariArchives.org.
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Adam Thornton has released a new version of his Fellowship of the Ring text adventure, based on a modified Dark Mage engine and encompassing the entire plot of the classic J.R.R. Tolkien novel. Thomas Jentzsch modified the Dark Mage engine to fit in 262 scan lines, compact the text and provide more screen real estate; Robb Sherwin created box and cartridge artwork, and Adam added more text, tweaked the colors a bit and updated the manual. Visit our Fellowship of the Ring entry to download the binary image, look at the artwork and grab the latest source code.
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Organizers of the upcoming Midwest Classic, to take place June 8, 2002 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, have announced two special edition 2600 games that will make their debut. The first is a special version of Baroque Gaming's Warring Worms that includes a special title screen not included in the original version. The second game is Berzerk: Special Edition, which will feature a musical addition by Paul Slocum (creator of the Synthcart), as well as the inclusion of a special title screen not found in the original. Both carts will be hand numbered and featured in tournaments held throughout the day. The winner of each tournament will receive the first numbered copy of the game they won the tournament for. For more information please visit the The GOAT Store, and you can also discuss this upcoming event in our Classic Gaming Forum.
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Jeffry Johnston has announced version 1.6 of his 5200Basic Compiler. Jeffry's 5200Basic Compiler will allow you to write programs for the 5200 using a BASIC-like syntax that is then compiled into 6502 assembly. Improvements in this new version include:
Fix: END SUB bug Fix: Keypad repeat! KEYPAD FIX updated. Fix: More efficient string storage Added DIV8, DIV16, MUL8. Removed DIV. Added SELECT CASE, CASE/CASE_, END SELECT Added DO/DO_ WHILE/UNTIL, LOOP/LOOP_ WHILE/UNTIL Added multiline IF...THEN, ELSE, END IF Added expressions NFLAG, >>=, <<, TRUE/FALSE
Visit the 5200Basic Compiler page to download the latest version, documentation and example programs. Please stop by our 5200 Message Board to discuss 5200Basic with Jeffry Johnston (aka Calamari) and other AtariAge visitors.
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Two titles that were available to attendees at last week's PhillyClassic 3 are now available for purchase to those who weren't able to make the event. The first is the PhillyClassic 3 version of Joe Grand's SCSIcide can be purchased for $25 plus shipping. Email Joe Grand for more info, and you can visit Joe's SCSIcide page for more information about the game. The second is the Atari2600.com release of Bugs Bunny, which includes a box, manual and label, all adorned with custom artwork. These can be purchased for $45 from Atari2600.com by writing to [email protected].
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The organizers of the Sixth Annual Atari Jaguar Festival (aka Jagfest 2k2) have announced that they are accepting advance payment for those attending the show. JagFest 2k2 will be held over two days on July 12th and 13th in downtown St. Louis, Missouri at the Mayfair Wyndham Historic Hotel. Admission for the event is $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Table prices (before July 9th) are $35 and $45 for visitor and dealer tables respectively. For more information please visit the Jagfest 2k2 website.
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We've just put a gallery of images online from last weekend's PhillyClassic 3 classic gaming show. If you weren't able to attend the show, here's your chance to look at some of the people who attended, the booths and tables, and events that took place. We've written up descriptions of the images and you may even recognize some members from our forums in the pictures. You can discuss the pictures in our Classic Gaming Forum.
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PhillyClassic is now over, and for those of you who couldn't attend we will have a full feature with many pictures in the near future. In the meantime, here are a few announcments to whet your appetite. Two unreleased games for the 2600 were shown - Pick Up (label, screenshot) and Save the Whales (label, screenshot), both by 20th Century Fox. Also shown was Chuck Norris: Missing in Action by TNT for the Atari 7800 (screenshot 1, 2, 3). We'll have more information and pictures about these titles soon!
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B&C ComputerVisions has announced the availability of Daemon's Gate for the Lynx. Although there are no instructions, the game reportedly appears complete. Here is what they had to say:
"Ready now! Lynx Daemon's Gate Test Cartridge. This appears to be a complete working Deamon's Gate for the Lynx. It is a Role Playing Game by Imagitec, the same people who did Viking's Child. Now shipping at $49.95 S&H."
Update: Nine Screenshots sent in to us by Glenn Brunner.
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PhillyClassic is only one day away! If you don't already have tickets you can buy them at the door, and the show opens to the public at 5:00pm on Friday the 26th. AtariAge will be there with a table - we'll be selling Billy Eno's Warring Worms and a special PhillyClassic Edition of Joe Grand's SCSIcide. We'll also have some AtariAge badges for anyone who would like one for the show. Here's a sample of what it looks like - just stop by our table and ask for your free badge. See you there!
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Stella version 1.2 has been released. This release of the popular 2600 emulator contains many updates, be sure to visit the Stella web site for more details. Support for DOS, Linux, and Unix is included with more platforms marked for the future. Also note that Stella has a new web address at http://stella.sourceforge.net.
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