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De Re Atari at
July 15, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit AtariArchives.orgKevin Savetz informs us that has added another classic Atari book to their ever growing library of titles. The latest addition is no other than De Re Atari, the guide to effective Atari 8-bit programming. In addition to the full text of the book, you can also download all the program code as well as the programmer's reference card. This is the eighth online book made available by, and you can find it here.

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Magicard Sample Programs
July 14, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Download the Magicard Sample ProgramsThe Magicard is a programming tool for the Atari 2600 cartridge produced by CommaVid. Included with the Magicard was a comprehensive manual describing how to use the Magicard to produce programs for the 2600, along with several example programs you could type in. To save you from having to type these example programs in, we've put together some binaries that you can run in emulators (as well as the Cuttle Cart) that support the Magicard's unique cartridge format. You can learn more about these sample programs and download them here.

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Atari SAP Music Archive 2.4 Available
July 14, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Atari SAP Music ArchiveVersion 2.4 of the Atari SAP Music Archive is now available. The Atari SAP music archive contains hundreds of the best tunes from Atari 8-bit computers in a format that can be reproduced perfectly by various SAP players. This latest update adds over 90 new songs to the ever growing and impressive collection of music. You can get the latest collection as well as players for various platforms at the Atari SAP Music Archive.

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Steem Engine 2.3 Released
July 14, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Steem Engine HomepageVersion 2.3 of the Steem Engine Atari ST emulator has been released. Steem is an Atari ST emulator for Windows and Linux that runs the majority of Atari ST software, including games. It's easy to setup and run, just make sure you grab the necessary TOS images first. This new version has quite a few bug fixes and new features over the previous release, and you can read about them all (as well as download the latest version) at the Steem Engine Homepage.

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AtariAge at CGE2K2
July 11, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the AtariAge at CGE2K2 PageAtariAge will be at the 2002 Classic Gaming Expo in a big way this year. The show takes place August 10th and 11th in Las Vegas, Nevada and we'll be there with a large, double booth. At our booth you'll find a bank of Atari game systems (2600, 5200, 7800) demonstrating the latest homebrew games, new 2600 controllers and accessories, classic gaming books, plastic storage bags for your collection, AtariAge t-shirts, and more! For more details on everything we'll have at the show, please take a look at our AtariAge at CGE2K2 page. Alex and Albert will both be attending the show, so please stop by and say Hello!

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Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest
July 9, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Jump to the Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest PageIt's been a while since our last label design contest, so we're happy to announce a new contest! This time the game needing a label is John Swiderski's Haunted House II 3-D, an Atari 5200 sequel to the popular Atari 2600 game Haunted House. The winning label will adorn copies of Haunted House II 3-D sold at the Classic Gaming Expo in August. The winner will receive a copy of the game without having to fight the crowds at CGE for it! For details on how to enter the contest, please visit the Haunted House II 3-D Label Contest page. And you can chat with other label wizards in our Atari 5200 Forum. Good luck!

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Classic Gamer Magazine Update
July 9, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit Classic Gamer MagazineChris Cavanaugh, editor of Classic Gamer Magazine, has announced that the print version of the magazine has been suspended indefinitely. However, articles that were slated to appear in Issue #7 will be placed on the site free, in both pdf and html formats, and additional articles will continue to be added in the future. You can read several new articles that have already been posted here, as well as more details on the future of Classic Gamer Magazine. We're sad to see the end of Classic Gamer in print and want to thank Chris and his crew for all their hard work in bringing the magazine to the classic gaming community.

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2002 MiniGame Compo Underway
July 9, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the 2002 MiniGame Competition PageIf you're looking for a programming challenge to help pass the summer months, then this just might be your ticket! The 2002 MiniGame 8-bit coding competition is now open, and your goal is to write a game in 1024 bytes of code for one of several classic 8-bit computers. The Atari 2600, 5200, and 8-bit computers are all eligible for the contest, which ends September 16, 2002. You can learn all the details about the competition by visiting the 2002 MiniGame Compo page. To discuss the 2002 1K MiniGame Compo with other AtariAge visitors please drop by our Programming Forum.

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Retrodesign CGE2K2 2600 Box Art
July 8, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

View the Retrodesign 2600 BoxesRetrodesign has sent us box images for their upcoming Classic Gaming Expo Atari 2600 releases Snow White and RealSports Basketball. Snow White is a presently unreleased prototype based on the Disney license and RealSports Basketball is an unreleased prototype from Atari. Both games will come complete with professionally printed boxes and instructions. You can look at both of the box designs here. To keep abreast of upcoming releases at the Classic Gaming Expo, check out the Classic Gaming Expo New Products page.

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Warring Worms Source Released
July 8, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Download the Warring Worms SourceAtari 2600 author Billy Eno has released the source code to his first 2600 game, Warring Worms. This is another great resource for budding 2600 programmers who can look to this example and learn from it. Billy Eno will even allow you to redistribute the source if you make major alterations to the game play, the look, the feel, or just want to use the kernel in your own game. You can grab the source here, and learn more about Warring Worms here. Please visit our Programming Forum if you'd like to discuss the Warring Worms source with other AtariAge visitors.

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Box Artwork for CGE 2600 Releases
July 8, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the CGE2K2 New Products PageThe Classic Gaming Expo organizers have posted box artwork for the three Atari 2600 games they will be releasing at this year's show: Pick-Up and Save the Whales, both from 20th Century Fox, and Crack'ed from Atari. These three games will be released complete with a professionally printed custom box, manual, and cartridge. You can keep tabs on all the new games being released at CGE2K2 by visiting the Classic Gaming Expo New Products page. You can also discuss these games with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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New 2600 Homebrew: Radial Pong
July 7, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Jeffry Johnston (aka "Calamari") has announced that he is developing an Atari 2600 game called Radial Pong, inspired by Andrzej Kapolka's Java-based Radial Pong game. Imagine a game of Pong where each player can move their paddle in a 360 degree circle and you'll know what Radial Pong is all about. Jeffry has created a Radial Pong Development Page where you can follow the game's progress, view screenshots, and learn more about the game. To discuss Radial Pong with other AtariAge visitors please visit our Atari 2600 Forum.

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Atari 2600 Laseresal 2002 Update
July 7, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Andrew Wallace has informed us that after a six month hiatus, he is back at work on his Atari 2600 game Laseresal 2002 (previously titled Laseresal 2600). Laseresal 2002 is an implementation of a game Andrew Wallace remembers playing back in arcades around 20 years ago, where one player sits at the top of the screen, the other at the bottom. Between the two players are various rocks and other items to block shots or provide cover, depending on the game mode, difficulty settings and rock type. You can view screenshots, read more detailed information about the game and its development, and download the latest version at Andrew's Laseresal 2002 Development Page.

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River Raid Plus Hack
July 6, 2002
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Download River Raid PlusIf you've spent so much time with Activision's River Raid that you have the entire game memorized, it's time for you to get your flight suit back on. Thrust creator Thomas Jentzsch has hacked River Raid to create River Raid Plus, which contains the following changes from Carol Shaw's original version:

  • Added balloons as another obstacle to get in your path
  • Changed the start of the game to after bridge 2002
  • Starting and maximum difficulties have been increased

    You can download River Raid Plus here and discuss it with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum. Enjoy!

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    Bob Polaro's Holey Moley at CGE2K2
    July 3, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit has announced that they have completed production on their third Atari 2600 game, Holey Moley, to be released at the Classic Gaming Expo in August. The object of Holey Moley is to whack the moles before they disappear down their holes and requires quick eye-hand coordination. Holey Moley will feature a full color box, instructions, and controller overlay for the Kid's Controller. Holey Moley programmer Bob Polaro will be on hand to distribute and autograph copies of the game. For more information, please drop by You can discuss this release with other AtariAge visitors in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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    Seven New Atari 2600 Hacks
    July 2, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    We've just put seven new hacks online for your Atari 2600 gaming pleasure. The newly added hacks are:

  • Adventure34 (hack of Adventure by Kurt Howe)
  • Asteroids (hack of Asteroids by Scott Stilphen)
  • Battle for Naboo (hack of Atlantis by Josh)
  • Betterblast (hack of Astroblast by Fabrizio Zavagli)
  • Planet Invaders (hack of Space Invaders by Charles Morgan)
  • Ventrra Invaders 2002 (hack of Megamania by Charles Morgan)
  • Xaxyrax Road (hack of Freeway by Charles Morgan)

    You can find all of the Atari 2600 hacks we have online here. Enjoy!

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    July 2002 MyAtari Magazine Online
    July 2, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Read the latest issue of MyAtari MagazineThe July 2002 issue of MyAtari Magazine is now available for your reading pleasure. This issue features a report from Platariada 2002, Tip of the day and the first in a new series entitled "Something for Nothing". To read these articles and more, visit

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    Atari 2600 McDonald's Revealed!
    July 1, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Read More about the McDonald's PrototypeAfter many years of mystery surrounding the Parker Brothers game McDonald's, we're happy to finally shed some light on the subject. Curt Vendel of the Atari Museum was able to track down an early version of the game, as well as chat with Isabel Garret, the designer at Parker Brothers responsible for the gameplay. In addition to making this early work-in-progress available, Curt also secured copies of documentation and sketches created during the game's development. You can read more, view the images, and download the binary on our McDonald's Revealed! page. To discuss McDonald's with other AtariAge visitors, please stop by our Atari 2600 Forum.

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    Atari 5200 Haunted House II 3-D
    June 30, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Haunted House II 3-D Development PageFans of the Atari 2600 game Haunted House will be glad to learn that John Swiderski is working on an updated version for the Atari 5200, titled Haunted House II 3-D. This new version is similar to the Atari 2600 version in terms of gameplay, but features over 60 rooms in two different mazes, new creatures, new treasure, and more. John estimates the game is roughly 60% complete at this point, and he plans on having it ready in time for the Classic Gaming Expo in August. You can find several screenshots of the game in our Haunted House II 3-D Development Page.

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    Atari 2600 Time-Based Decathlon
    June 30, 2002
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit Snipercade for more infoSnipercade and Twin Galaxies have announced an Atari 2600 Time-Based Decathlon. This event will not be based on scores, but instead time of completion for the ten games involved in the decathlon. The featured games are Skiing, Barnstorming, Grand Prix, Sky Jinks, Dragster, Boxing, Superman, Adventure, Private Eye, and Breakout. Prizes in the form of Atari 2600 carts will be awarded for First, Second and Third. In addition, the winners will have their results published in the Twin Galaxies Book of World Records. For complete rules and information on how to enter, please visit Snipercade. Good luck!

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