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2018 Portland Retro Gaming Expo, October 19-22
September 25, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Portland Retro Gaming Expo
The 2018 Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE), begins Friday, October 19th and runs through Sunday, October 21st at the Oregon Convention Center. The Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE) is one of the largest classic gaming events in the country, bursting at the seams with video games and game-related activities all weekend long! The PRGE Retrocade opens to the public at noon on Friday, featuring 30,000 square feet of full-size arcade games and pinball machines, and the main exhibition hall (along with the arcade) will be open Saturday and Sunday. Here's an incomplete list of what you'll find at the show: AtariAge will have a large booth at the show right near the main entrance, where you'll be able to play new and upcoming homebrew games, as well as our large back catalog of games we've published over the years. We'll also have several new games available to purchase for the first time in Portland, as well as demos of upcoming games.

Please visit the official Portland Retro Gaming Expo website to learn more about the show. If you're attending the show, please stop by our booth, say hello, and play some new games!

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Defender of the Crown and Treasure Island Dizzy Arrive on the Jaguar!
September 18, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

AtariAge is proud to announce that Defender of the Crown and Treasure Island Dizzy are coming to the Atari Jaguar! Both of these chart-topping classic games are now available to pre-order in the AtariAge Store. Each game includes a high-quality, professionally printed box, manual and label, and each is being released in limited quantities (300 copies for Defender of the Crown and 250 for Treasure Island Dizzy).
Defender of the Crown and Treasure Island Dizzy

Defender of the Crown

IT IS A TIME OF LEGENDS. A time for heroes. A time of bitter strife, when great men rise above their peers to perform great deeds. A chapter of history is in the making.

Your liege the king is dead, the throne vacant. Britain enters a season of destruction, a winter of killing that can end only when the last brave Saxon knight lies dead or the castles of the Normans lie in heaps of rubble, emptied of the foul oppressors that have enslaved your people. It is a time when foreign invaders shall learn truths administered by the shining blades of Saxon swords. It is a time when heroes are made, and legends are born.

Defender of the Crown was Cinemaware's first game, making its debut on the Commodore Amiga back in 1986. A strategy computer game designed by Kellyn Beck, it raised the bar for computer graphics in home computer games. Defender of the Crown would be ported to many computer systems and game consoles over time and has now been realized on the Atari Jaguar.

Treasure Island Dizzy

Dizzy was looking forward to his round-the-world cruise. When he told the other Yolkfolk about the good deal he found, they wondered just what lay ahead of him. Dizzy enjoyed the cruise at first. The captain, Long John Silver, was a lovely old bloke with a kindly manner, good at insulting and degrading the fare paying punters. He was well-balanced -- he had a parrot on one shoulder and a chip on the other.

Dizzy thought he would organize a game of cricket on the aft deck. In a fit of blinding stupidity, he used LJ's spare leg collection as makeshift stumps, and when they ere lost overboard he was made to walk the plank! That was how he came to find himself gently poaching on the silent, sun-kissed beach of a seemingly deserted island...

He had to somehow find a way back to the Yolkfolk and lodge his compensation claim with the travel agent...

Dizzy and The Yolkfolk are characters created by the Oliver Twins, and these characters would appear in many games during the 8 and 16-bit eras. Most of their appearances were in multi-screen platform adventure puzzle games, however, they also appeared in some great arcade games as the title characters.

Slowly, over the course of the series, we learn more about this odd little family and help them out of the tricky situations they find themselves in by visiting the many varied locations of their magical world.

You can learn more about Defender of the Crown and Treasure Island Dizzy by visiting the AtariAge Store.

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Play Atari 2600 Games using QR Codes
September 6, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

You've surely seen QR Codes all over the place in the last decade. QR codes are a means of encoding information into a compact, square graphic that can be scanned (usually by cell phones these days) and decoded. Most often these codes are a link to a website, but they can be used to store any manner of information. Atari 2600 fan Seth Robinson recently embarked on the challenge of encoding Atari 2600 games as QR codes stored on paper cards, and then using a camera to decode the game and run it in an emulator.

As QR codes can store about 3K of 8-bit data, a 2K Atari 2600 game can easily fit in a standard QR code. Larger 4K games can be encoded using two QR codes, one on each side of the card. You then have to flip the code to load the second half of the game. As a large percentage of Atari 2600 games are either 2K or 4K in size, this allows you to run quite a few games from QR codes. Seth used a Raspberry Pi and a Picamera and open source software to read the "PaperCart" Atari 2600 game cards he printed, and once decoded they are run in the RetroPie Atari 2600 emulator.

For all the details about this PaperCart system system (including how to create your own), please visit Seth's Code Dojo page.

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Don't Want a Box? No Problem!
August 28, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

We know that not everyone cares about paying extra for a box when buying new homebrew games. We've updated eight of our latest games for the 2600 and 5200 in the AtariAge Store so you can now buy them without the box. These games still come with a high-quality label and manual, but the box is now optional. Here are the games:

Anguna Assembloids Draconian Drive! Panky the Panda Space Cactus Canyon Super Cobra Arcade Ratcatcher

Here's a list of the games: Click on any of the above images or links above to learn more about each game!

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A7800 Emulator Update
August 11, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

A7800 Emulator UpdateA new release of the A7800 Atari 7800 emulator is now available. A7800 is a fork of the MAME Atari 7800 driver, with several enhancements and fixes added:
  • Support for emulation of Proline Joysticks, VCS Joysticks, Lightguns, Paddles, Driving Controllers, Keypads, Trak-Balls, Amiga Mice, and ST Mice.
  • Maria DMA timing has been improved further, with the addition of accurate DMA hole penalties.
  • Improved saturated/normalized colors with palette selection.
  • Streamlined UI including menu options to have an Atari 7800 system focus.
  • A bug in the existing RIOT emulation has been fixed.
  • MAME compatibility and syntax has been maintained, to allow for the reuse of MAME configuration files and front-ends.
What's new for the v0.188-03 release?
  • Keypad Controller emulation fixed.
  • Updated default mappings for Console and Player 2.
  • Console temperature/Color palette selection added.
  • Fixed graphics glitch in Super Skateboardin' status area.
  • User interface improvements including streamlined menus.
  • Verified (real-time) load and save state support.
  • Full illustrative manual added to the download archive.
  • Optional display enhancement effects: HLSL with YIQ, CRT-geom(-deluxe), super-eagle, hq series, (super) xbr line.
Downloads for Windows, MacOS, and Linux are available at the A7800 home page. Source code is posted as well. You can discuss A7800 in our Atari 7800 Forum.

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Gridrunner Unlocked for Jeff Minter Classics on Atari Jaguar
April 1, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Last fall we released Jeff Minter Classics for the Atari Jaguar, containing two of Jeff Minter's most popular classic computing titles: Llamatron: 2112 and Revenge of the Mutant Camels. The excellent Atari ST versions of these games were brought to the Jaguar by Lawrence Staveley (author of Rebooteroids), joined together by a beautiful menu illustrated by William Thorup. Stunning artwork was also created by William Thorup for the box, manual, label and included double-sided poster.

In celebration of Jeff Minter's announcement of a Playstation 4 port of Gridrunner, we're excited to reveal that Gridrunner has been hidden inside all copies of Jeff Minter Classics sold to date! We've put together a video that shows how you can unlock Gridrunner. Once you've done so, Gridrunner will be displayed on the menu when the cartridge boots up, so you only need to unlock it once:

As an added bonus for Gridrunner, you can choose to use an Amiga or Atari ST mouse (with a proper adapter) to control your ship, in addition to the stock Jaguar controller. Playing Gridrunner with a mouse is a blast!

If you don't already have a copy of Jeff Minter Classics, you can pick up a copy in the AtariAge Store. Happy Easter to all Atari Jaguar fans!

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Stunt Car Racer Revs to Life on Atari 8-bit Computers
March 5, 2018
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Stunt Car Racer

Fans of the Atari ST, Amiga, Commodore 64 and other classic computers may fondly remember the game Stunt Car Racer, a 3D racing game that takes place on an elevated track. In the game, you are dropped onto the track by a crane, and you compete against other computer opponents in a race with no walls to prevent you from going over the sides! There are also gaps in the tracks that you must jump and clear, and care must be taken not to inflict too much damage on your car or your vehicle will be wrecked, causing you to forfeit the race.

Now, nearly 30 years after Stunt Car Racer's initial release, it is finally available for Atari 8-bit computers! AtariAge members Fandal and Irgendwer have crafted a fantastic port of the game for Atari 8-bit computers, using the Commodore 64 version as a starting point. This new version of Stunt Car Racer contains all the features of the Commodore 64 version, as well as:
  • Improved frame rate
  • Music
  • Rich sound effects
  • QR-code generation for online "High Score Cafe"
  • PAL & NTSC compatible
You can learn more about this amazing port in our Atari 8-bit Computers Forums and download it directly from Have fun!

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Possible Run of New Jaguar Pro-Controllers
November 24, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Possible Run of New Jaguar Pro-Controllers AtariAge members MortoffGames and Clint Thompson are exploring the possibility of recreating the highly sought-after Jaguar Pro-Controller. The Atari Jaguar Pro Controller is similar in appearance to the standard Jaguar controller, but adds three new action buttons (X, Y, and Z) as well as two shoulder buttons (L and R) at the top of the unit. These new buttons are mapped to buttons on the keypad. The dpad and buttons on the Jaguar Pro Controller are also improved over the original controller. Several later Jaguar games include support for the Jaguar Pro Controller's button configuration, but even older games such as Alien vs. Predator benefit from the additional buttons.

Jaguar Pro Controllers are currently selling for over $200 on eBay. The price for these new controllers will be $60, and they will be sold in sets of two to help meet the minimum manufacturing requirements. If you'd like to express interest in purchasing one or more sets, please send a message with your full name and e-mail address by December 31st, 2017 to [email protected].

You can learn more details about the project and track its progress in our Atari Jaguar Forum.

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Free Play Florida, November 17-19
November 10, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Free Play Florida

Free Play Florida 2017 is a three day celebration of the history, artistry, competition, and creation of electronic gaming of all kinds driven by the enthusiastic gamers of the south east. Free Play Florida features 200 arcade and pinball games, hundreds of consoles, and countless things to learn, play and see!

This November 17th thru the 19th, Free Play Florida is being held in Orlando at the beautiful DoubleTree Sea World by Hilton right off I-4 and International Drive. Many current and classic and current pinball and arcade games will be on display, all set to free play! Join the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) sanctioned pinball tournament and compete with the best in the state of Florida, sit in on speaker panels that include industry icons, and visit vendors selling parts, memorabilia, and some of the coolest themed art on the planet!

AtariAge will be present for the first time at this year's Free Play Florida, with all the new homebrew games we had for sale at last month's Portland Retro Gaming Expo, as well as games that were released in the AtariAge Store back in June. We'll also have several systems setup so you can play our latest homebrew games.

If you're an Atari 2600 fan, be sure to check out the FPF 2017 Atari Cartridge being made available at the show. This is a limited edition hack of Midnight Magic (modified by Scott Dayton of NEO Games), complete with cartridge, manual and box. Proceeds benefit Free Play Florida (a non-profit organization), to help them continue offering this great event in the future! A few copies are still available for purchase online, and once those are gone, the only way to obtain a copy will be to purchase one at the show.

To learn more, please visit the Free Play Florida website. Hope to see you there!

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New Atari Jaguar Games at 2017 Portland Retro Gaming Expo
October 12, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

If you're an Atari Jaguar fan, we have three new Jaguar games we'll be selling for the first time at this year's Portland Retro Gaming Expo, taking place October 20-22! The three titles are Jeff Minter Classics (containing Llamatron 2112 and Revenge of the Mutant Camels), Escape 2042, and AstroStorm. Each game features a high-quality, professionally printed box, manual and cartridge label. Jeff Minter Classics also includes a double-sided poster featuring the stunning box art created by William Thorup for the package.

New Jaguar Games

More information about each game below:

Jeff Minter Classics

For the first time on the Atari Jaguar, experience Jeff Minter's classic games "Llamatron 2112" and "Revenge of the Mutant Camels". Both games have been brought to the platform with the full blessing of Jeff Minter himself and are contained on a single cartridge.

Llamatron 2112: You play the part of a totally hard laser-spitting llama. Your mission is to collect all the tiny sheep, llamas, camels and goats you see on each wave. Standing in your way are great herds of unintelligent but numerous Grunt enemies, plus a veritable menagerie of nasty creeps which fire at you, dodge your fire, emit fire hydrants, try to ram you, murder your llamas and shoot your ass off with lasers. Kill them deadly. Not everything can be killed, and some enemies take more than one shot to destroy. Your ultimate objective - destroy the Ozric Tentacle of level 99 and get to Herd Heaven on level 100.

Revenge of the Mutant Camels: You are a rather threadbare-looking camel. If you are playing CPU Assist or Two-Player, you are accompanied by a large shaggy goat creature called an Ancipital. You are the Good Guys. Your mission is simple: stay alive through 42 zones of 7km each. These zones are populated by rampant telephone kiosks, skiing kangaroos, butch Greenham Common Peace Women, manic Minters, flying sheep and all the usual nonsense. These are the Bad Guys. They try to kill you off and you, naturally, and in keeping with the traditionally calm, rational, and thoughtful nature of videogames, get to waste them with lots of spectacularly destructive weaponry.


Sometime in the future, aliens arrive.

A high quantity of large rocks have started raining from the sky causing devastation all around Earth. You must command the Earth Defense Craft to search our solar system and destroy any anomalous rocks or aliens before it's too late. Is this our last stand?

AstroStrom features a campaign story with 40 levels, skirmish mode with random levels, arcade modes for quick pick up and play, a mix of gameplay styles between shooting and space flying, powerups you can activate at strategic moments, separate scoreboards for each game type, and more!

Escape 2042

In the year 2042, a socialist government is in power, but nobody had foreseen the progressive dictatorship that settled in. The elites of the government hid behind a sham democracy, disconnected from the life the people were leading, and acted solely in their own interests. The regime considered the dissidents as conspiracy theorists, treated them like terrorists and locked them away in highly-secured prisons.

You are Shun, a computer engineer and member of the Truth Defenders coalition. After a clandestine operation to inform the people, you are locked away in the highly-secured prison Bulor 24. But your knowledge on security systems will enable you to escape. Your turn now to escape as fast as you can from this place!

Escape 2042 game takes place in three different environments (prison, desert, forest) and is interspersed with two mini-games, including a reversed “Shoot’em Up” and an original rappelling game! Avoid the security cameras, collect grenades to get rid of your enemies, and exercise your working memory by hacking the computers of the prison to unlock the doors or to deactivate the safety systems.

For those unable to attend the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, we'll be adding all three of these titles to the AtariAge Store in November.

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New Atari 2600 Games at 2017 Portland Retro Gaming Expo
October 10, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

AtariAge will introduce several new homebrew games at the upcoming Portland Retro Gaming Expo, taking place October 20-22! For the Atari 2600, we will be selling three new titles: Super Cobra Arcade, Space Cactus Canyon, and Draconian. Each game features a high-quality, professionally printed box, manual and cartridge label. Draconian and Super Cobra Arcade also include 10" x 14" posters featuring the beautiful box artwork created by Nathan Strum. The first 30 who purchase Draconian at the show will also receive a 3D printed model of the space stations that appear in the game!

New 2600 Games

You can learn more about each of these exciting new games below:

Super Cobra Arcade

Super Cobra ArcadeSuper Cobra Arcade is a sequel to the classic arcade game Scramble in which the player must navigate their helicopter across a side-scrolling terrain through eleven unique stages. Each stage has its own challenges and obstacles, including tanks, targets, rockets, guided missiles, falling mines, fuel tanks, flying saucers and meteors. The player must avoid or destroy these hazards while maintaining the ship's limited fuel supply. The objective is to reach the end stage, invade the enemy's base and carry away the booty while trying to earn a high score.

Super Cobra Arcade was crafted by John W. Champeau of Champ Games, whose previous Atari 2600 endeavors include Conquest of Mars, Lady Bug, and Scramble.

Space Cactus Canyon

Space Cactus CanyonThe year is 2543. You are the last cactus on earth.

You live in the scorching deserts of the Rocky Mountains in what used to be Alberta, Canada. The heat is nearly unbearable and wildfires are common. The rest of your fellow cacti have moved to a more temperate climate ... on Mars. They have sent a final spaceship to transport you there. Reaching it won't be easy. Water has become Earth's most precious resource, and although you are a cactus, you need every drop. You'll collect the water as you move through the canyons on your way to rendezvous with your rocket. Every so often, you'll even find a bucket of water, and you'll be able to rest for the night. But watch out for the humans! The few that remain after World War XII think they need the water even more than you. And they'll do anything to protect it.


DraconianAs pilot of the Space Fighter Draconian, your mission is to destroy enemy space stations – sector by sector – until they’re all wiped out! Your task won’t be easy - the enemy stations will relentlessly attack you with aggressive missiles and a barrage of defensive fire. Formations of missiles will gang up and hunt you down. But if you take out the lead missile, the others will scatter! If you see one of the enemy’s Spy Ships you need to destroy it immediately! If it escapes, it will report your position, and then...the enemy will throw everything it has at you. Can you survive long enough to move onto the next sector? Good luck! The galaxy is counting on you!

Draconian has all of the excitement you’d find in a classic arcade game! Featuring digitized voices, a radar scanner, enemy formation display, over 48 unique sectors, and much, much more! Draconian was created by Darrell Spice, Jr., whose previous works include Medieval Mayhem, Space Rocks, and Stay Frosty 2. The first 30 who purchase the game at the show will receive a 3D printed Draconian space station, courtesy of AtariAge member Tarzilla.

If you're not able to make it to the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, we'll be adding these games to the AtariAge Store for everyone in November. Watch for another announcement soon for another batch of games to debut at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo!

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2017 Portland Retro Gaming Expo, October 20-22
September 8, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Portland Retro Gaming Expo
Join AtariAge at the 2017 Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE), taking place Friday, October 20th through Sunday, October 22rd at the Oregon Convention Center. The show opens at 3pm on Friday so you can enjoy the huge Retrocade an extra day! The Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE) is one of the largest classic gaming events in the country, bursting at the seams with video games and game-related activities all weekend long! Here's an incomplete list of what you'll find at the show: AtariAge will have a large booth at the show, where you'll be able to play new and upcoming homebrew games, as well as our large back catalog of games we've published over the years. We'll also have several new games available to purchase for the first time in Portland--watch for those announcements coming soon!

As 2017 is the 40th anniversary of the Atari 2600, the PRGE organizers have announced a great lineup of panels celebrating the Atari 2600's rich history. One of these panels is titled, "Old Consoles Never Die", discussing the creation of new games for the Atari 2600 and other classic systems. The panel will be moderated by "Art of the Atari" author Tim Lapetino, who will be joined by homebrew authors Darrell Spice, Jr. (Medieval Mayhem, Space Rocks, and Stay Frosty 2) and John W. Champeau of Champ Games (Lady Bug, Conquest of Mars, Scramble), Atari alumni Howard Scott Warshaw (Yars' Revenge, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial), and Albert Yarusso, owner of AtariAge.

Please visit the official Portland Retro Gaming Expo website to learn more about the show. We've also created a Portland Retro Gaming Expo Forum to discuss the event. If you're attending the show, please stop by our booth, say hello, and play some new games!

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Ken Siders, Atari Enthusiast and Homebrewer, Has Passed
August 30, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

It is with great sadness we report that Atari enthusiast and homebrew programmer Ken Sider has unexpectedly passed away at the young age of 49. Ken was best known in the Atari community for developing the games Beef Drop for the Atari 5200, 7800, and Atari 8-bit computers, and b*nq for the Atari 7800, ports of the popular arcade games Burgertime and Q*bert. Both of these games were initially revealed as April Fool's jokes on the AtariAge Forums over a decade ago.

It always brings us great sorrow when such a talented and friendly individual is taken from us before his time. Ken provided friendly, technical advice to anyone who asked, and he will be a great loss to the classic gaming community. You can learn more about Ken's games and the utilities he programmed for these systems on his personal page, and you can discuss and honor his passing in our forums. Ken's games will continue to spread happiness to all they touch, and we offer our condolences to his friends and family. Ken, may you Rest In Peace and forever inspire and bring warmth to those whose lives you touch. Condolences may be left here.

Videos of b*nQ and Beef Drop on the 7800:

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New 2600, 5200, 7800 Games in AtariAge Store!
July 18, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

We're happy to announce the arrival of a new slate of games for the Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 consoles:

New Homebrew Games

Here's a list of all the games broken down by system:

Atari 2600
  • Anguna - Defeat the Goblin King in this Zelda-like fantasy action-adventure for the 2600.
  • Assembloids 2600 - An addictive, fast-paced reaction game for the whole family and high score fanatics!
  • Drive! - Escape the crumbling temple with your treasure, driving over the bridge as fast as you can!
  • The Gizzle Wap - You must remove the Strange Red Tree and defeat the Invicta!
  • L.E.M. - The L.E.M. never failed in any mission assigned to it. Can you keep its record untarnished?
  • Panky the Panda - Your brother has been kidnapped by poachers -- can you save him in time?
  • Scramble - How far can you invade our Scramble system?
Atari 5200
  • Ratcatcher - The city sewer has been overrun by nasty critters, grab some friends and clean it out!
Atari 7800 You can also browse all the newest games here.

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ReplayFX Arcade & Gaming Festival July 27-30 2017, Pittsburgh, PA
July 7, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

If you'll be in the Pittsburgh area at the end of the month, be sure to check out ReplayFX, taking place July 27-30, 2017 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center! We've heard great things about this event from others who have attended in previous years. Here's more information straight from

Gamers behind the Replay Foundation & PAPA are taking over the David L. Lawrence Convention Center and filling it with more than 750 arcade and pinball machines, over 2,000 retro console games, tabletop games, a showcase of new products by game developers, magicians, live musicians, balloon artists, face-painters, competitions offering over $110,000 in prize money, and more!

The ReplayFX Arcade & Video Game Festival will feature the largest public collection of working pinball, arcade, tabletop, and console games anywhere in the solar system, and all games are free to play with the price of admission! Attendees are also invited to attend a series of seminars dedicated to gaming and its associated tech-culture, browse merchandise in the marketplace, watch the world’s greatest pinball wizards compete in the Pinburgh Match-Play Championship, or enjoy a series of fun and wacky daily challenges at no additional cost!

ReplayFX will include multiple live music performances, a high-energy cosplay contest, inflatable obstacle courses, and more in a show floor packed with over 200,000 square feet of entertainment! Over $110,000 will be at stake for the competitive player. Thousands of games will be available for the casual fan. A family-friendly atmosphere will be available for the kids, and no one has to leave the galaxy to attend!

You can learn more about the event by visiting


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Atari 2600 Golf: World's Finest Sport Video Game Simulation
July 5, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Golf Digest's Jeff Vrabel makes the argument that to this day, "Atari 2600 Golf remains the finest sport video game simulation". Through humor, the author describes the graphics, gameboard, gameplay, and difficulty of the original 1980 Atari 2600 Golf. Here's a video review of Atari 2600 Golf if you need a quick refresher in case you've forgotten how wonderful this game is. What games have made a similar impression to you after all these years? Join the discussion in our Atari 2600 Forum.

Atari 2600 Golf

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2017 Activision Summer Patch Quest
June 26, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

2017 Activision Summer Patch QuestIt's that time again, the weather is hotter, the days are longer, and the Atari 2600 is begging for attention. AtariAge user toilettunes has organized the 3rd Annual AtariAge Activision Patches Summer Quest. Through Labor Day (Monday, September 4th) you can compete with other AtariAge members to see who can qualify for the most Activision patches by playing Activision's library of Atari 2600 games! Back in the day, Activision would send you a physical patches if you achieved high scores in their games. Contestants were instructed to photograph their TV displaying the high score, mail it in, and Activision would send back a patch. You can view our Activision Patch Gallery to see all the patches and the scores needed to win them. To join in the fun, please visit the 2017 Activision Summer Patch Quest thread in our forums. Good luck!

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AtGames Announces Fall Lineup
June 22, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Atari Flashback 8 Gold

AtGames has announced their fall lineup of Flashback consoles and portables, further expanding on their offerings for fans of the Atari 2600 and Sega Genesis. These new products include several Atari Flashback consoles, an updated Atari Flashback Portable, a new Genesis Flashback styled after the classic Sega Genesis console, and an updated Genesis portable.

Here's a brief description of the AtGames Fall 2017 lineup:
  • The all-new Atari Flashback® 8 Gold features 120 built-in all-time favorites. Games include legends like Activision's Pitfall! and Taito's Space Invaders, as well as many other all-time Atari 2600 classics like Kaboom!, River Raid, Centipede, and Millipede. Two all new, high performance 2.4ghz wireless controllers, styled after the Atari 2600 originals, are included, as well as two legacy controller ports for optional wired joysticks or paddles. Other all new features for the Atari Flashback® 8 Gold include 720p HDMI output, scan line filtering, and a save/pause/rewind feature for every game.
  • The all-new Atari Flashback® 8 Gold Activision Edition features 130 built-in games, including 39 Activision classics. These games include legends like Activision’s Pitfall!, which is celebrating its 35th anniversary, and Taito’s Space Invaders, as well as many other all-time Atari 2600 classics like Centipede™, Chopper Command™, Enduro™, and River Raid™. Two high performance 2.4ghz wireless controllers, styled after the Atari 2600 originals, are included, as well as two legacy controller ports for optional wired joysticks. Other features for the Activision Edition include 720p HDMI output, scan line filtering, and a save/pause/rewind feature for every game.
  • The Atari Flashback® 8 Classic Game Console returns in a new value-priced edition, complete with 105 all-time favorites. Amazing new additions to the game line-up include Activision legends like Pitfall!, Kaboom!, and River Raid. Two wired controllers, styled after the Atari 2600 originals, are included, as well as two legacy controller ports to add your own optional wired joysticks or paddles.
  • The Atari Flashback® Portable Game Player features an amazing selection of 70 built-in games, including the legendary BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment arcade hit, PAC-MAN. Other blockbuster games include Dig Dug, Pitfall!, and Frogger, and you can even add your own games with an optional SD card. A built-in, rechargeable battery, means the on-the-go fun never has to end. Games can be played on the portable's built-in, high resolution 2.8" display, or on a TV via optional cable.
  • The all-new Sega Genesis Flashback has a stunning new design, reminiscent of the original console, and features 85 built-in games as well as an integrated cartridge port that plays almost all of your favorite Sega Genesis and Mega Drive original cartridges. Built-in all-time favorites include the Sonic series, Mortal Kombat series, Phantasy Star series, and Shining Force series games. Two new high performance 2.4ghz wireless controllers, styled after the Sega Genesis originals, are included, as well as two legacy controller ports for optional wired gamepads. Other new features for the Sega Genesis Flashback include 720p HDMI output, scan line filtering, and a save/pause/rewind feature for every game.
  • The Classic Game Console returns in a new value-priced edition, complete with 81 all-time favorites. Amazing new additions to the game line-up include role-playing and strategy legends, Shining Force, Shining Force II, and Shining in the Darkness. Two wired controllers, styled after the Sega Genesis originals, are included, as well as two legacy controller ports to add your own optional wired controllers.
  • The Ultimate Portable Game Player returns with an enhanced selection of 85 built-in 16-bit Sega Genesis and Mega Drive classic games. The selection of blockbuster games include new additions PAC-PANIC and Splatterhouse 2, as well as many more surprises. You can even add your own games with an optional SD card! Returning for 2017 is save game support for the included Phantasy Star series role-playing games. A built-in, rechargeable battery, means the on-the-go fun never has to end. Games can be played on the portable's built-in, high resolution 2.8" display, or on a TV via optional cable.
These products are expected to hit retail shelves in the fall of 2017. We've posted additional photos of the new consoles and boxes in our AtGames Flashback and Portable Consoles forum, where you can also discuss all these new consoles with other AtariAge visitors.

Atari Flashback 8 Gold

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Atari 2600 Ms. Pac-Man Score Shattered by AI
June 19, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Microsoft researchers in Canada have built an Artificial Intelligence program capable of reaching (and eclipsing) the maximum score of 999,990 in the Atari 2600 version of Ms. Pac-Man. According to Wired Magazine, "Ms. Pac-Man has been targeted by artificial intelligence researchers for years, but no player, human or otherwise, has ever scored so big." This milestone was accomplished by breaking the game down into smaller pieces utilizing more than 150 "bots" working in tandem to decide where best to move Ms. Pac-Man, similar to how the human brain works. The research is expected to translate into other AI fields such as natural language processing. The video below gives you a glimpse into the AI as it chews through the mazes.

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RIP Keith Robinson of Intellivision Productions
June 16, 2017
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Keith Robinson, the leader of the game development team at Mattel Electronics who purchased the rights to the Intellivision and resurrected the game console in the late 1980s, died from kidney failure Wednesday. Keith remained dedicated to the Intellivison brand throughout the 1990s and beyond, keeping the flame alive by releasing Intellivision Lives! for contemporary consoles and the Intellivision Flashback, a plug and play console featuring many of the original system's best games.

Keith was also a prolific artist... his weekly comic strip Making It debuted in 1985, and continued publication for over thirty years. The series was adapted into a video game for the Sega Genesis, Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama. Fittingly, it was designed by Realtime Associates, a team originally hired to make Intellivision software in the 1980s!

Keith Robinson was a fixture at classic game conventions, fondly remembered for his larger than life personality and tireless enthusiasm for the Intellivision. He'll be deeply missed, not only as a founding father of the video game industry, but for his continued contributions to gaming long after the Intellivision faded into history. For those interested, Keith's life and accomplishments were examined in greater detail in an obituary on The Retroist.

Keith Robinson

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